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Company: Wyeth, Madison, New Jersey
Company Description: Wyeth is a global leader in pharmaceuticals, consumer health care products, and animal health care products.. Wyeth's worldwide resources include 52,000 employees, manufacturing facilities on four continents, and a unique research and technology base encompassing small molecules, biopharmaceuticals and genetic engineering.
Nomination Category: Advertising/Design Craft & Technique
Nomination Sub Category: Best Design in a Campaign or Series

Nomination Title: Wyeth Consumer Healthcare Kellogg Recruitment Campaign

1. The date in 2006 on which this nominated campaign was first run, aired, or otherwise made public:

October 30, 2006

2. Briefly describe this entry’s communications objectives and how it met those objectives (up to 100 words):

The objective of this recruitment campaign was to build awareness amongst Kellogg School of Management first year students and to communicate the message that Wyeth Consumer Healthcare has an exciting and well-known product range and could offer them a rewarding marketing experience.

A series of poster ads were developed that focused on relating the recruiting
effort to the brand equity of our product line. The posters were an integral
part of our success and in achieving our Kellogg recruiting objectives by
attracting a number of students who were very interested in our internship

3. List the appropriate creative and production credits for this entry: Advertising Agency/City: Client: Art Director: Cinematographer: Creative Director: Designer: Director: Illustrator/City: Music Producer/City: Photographer/City: Printer/City: Producer: Production Company/City: Programmer: Writer: Web Development Firm/City:

Designer: Ann Filidoro
Copywriters: Amy Peller, Randy Stodard, Shantel Corbin, Gary Rosenblum, Mike
Bachman, and Melissa Thul