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Protection 1, Romeoville, IL

Gold Stevie Award Winner 2012, Click to Enter The 2014 American Business Awards

Company: Protection 1, Romeoville, IL
Company Description: We are the nation’s largest full service security provider celebrating its 26th year in business. We have an A+ BBB rating & a 95.6% customer satisfaction score. We provide nearly 2 million homes & businesses with state of the art security & automation systems. We’re rated in the top 5 of all call centers & #1 in the security industry. We monitor 24/7 from our five UL Listed monitoring s
Nomination Category: Marketing Campaign Categories - Specialty
Nomination Sub Category: Online Marketing Campaign of the Year

Nomination Title: Protection 1's Online Marketing Campaign - #ProtectYourCookies

Tell the story of this nominated marketing campaign for the judges (up to 525 words). Describe the genesis, planning, execution, and results to date of your campaign. If applicable, remember to describe what's unique or innovative about your campaign:

The Genesis of Our Campaign

Protection 1 is a challenger brand in the home security category. Our competitors spend in excess of 100 million dollars—and they include top companies like ADT, Comcast and AT&T. Our company needed to stand out in a crowded field of players, so we created an online marketing campaign that brought a fresh new perspective to the category.

Our Campaign Began with an Insight

The marketing you see in the home security sector usually depicts a break-in, a frightened consumer and then presents the offer of free security equipment. Our marketing team realized that alarm companies needed to move beyond burglars and broken windows. Today a security system also includes home automation features that let a consumer receive text alerts, view live video and more. We created an online campaign that captured the ease with which people can incorporate these new features into their life.


The audience we chose to reach loves ESPN‘s Mike Greenberg and Mike Golic. Based upon previous marketing efforts, we knew they made a solid connection with our residential and commercial demographic. We also liked the sense of fun Mike & Mike bring to a marketing campaign—a real break from typical security marketing. We sat down with Mike & Mike and brainstormed an online campaign—even Mike Greenberg’s wife Stacy wanted to be a part of our effort. She writes blog posts, films video blogs and allows us to host contests in her name!


The core idea of our online marketing campaign was “Protect Your Cookies.” The plot centered on Mike Golic trying to steal Mike Greenberg’s plate of cookies but being foiled by the best defensive player—Protection 1. We placed our “Protect Your Cookies” marketing campaign online using our blog, tweeting, sharing and interacting on Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and YouTube.

ESPN and Protection 1 came together to not only highlight other great defensive players, but give people a chance to meet Mike & Mike and tour the ESPN headquarters as a VIP. The Grand Prize Winner received a four day, three night trip to NYC where they enjoyed first class accommodations for two, including round trip airfare, a day trip to the ESPN campus, a VIP tour of the campus and $1,000 in spending money.

Our social media efforts spurred over 2 million impressions alone—with significant engagement retweets, shares +1s, views, and likes! In fact, fans were even tweeting this as the “best ESPN commercial” and asking for this to “become a series of spots.”

The results were as sweet as the cookies we protected!

•99,308,000 live read impressions
•22,704,582 ESPN sweepstakes impressions
•46,545 ESPN sweepstake entries
•Over 2,000,000 social media impressions
•367% increase in YouTube views
•6,000% increase in YouTube comments
•17,000 new Facebook “Likes” since the campaign started
•Over 58,000 YouTube Playlist Views

We attribute hundreds of sales to our online marketing efforts! We strongly believe that online marketing drives sales and that it also plays an important role in building Protection 1 brand awareness. Discussions are already taking place with Mike and Mike, a new batch of cookies is being prepared, and you can expect great things this year!

Upload a collection of supporting files and web addresses to our server to provide more background information to the judges. You may upload any number of attachments and URLs through the "Add Attachments, Videos, or Links to This Entry" link above. (Do NOT list your URLs below.)


2. Provide a brief biography of the leader of the team that planned and executed this marketing campaign (up to 125 words):

Protection 1’s marketing team is led by Jamie Haenggi, a recent inductee to Direct Marketing News’ 2014 Marketing Hall of Femme. Ms. Haenggi is a veteran of the security industry with more than 20 years of marketing experience, including time at Vonage where she oversaw marketing, retail sales and corporate communications.

Protection 1’s online marketing team has shown an increase in online lead flow by 25% while knocking the cost per lead down 35% year over year. For the past three years, they have brought home the SAMMY (Sales and Marketing Award) for Best Overall Integrated Marketing Campaign from SSI, an industry publication. The SAMMY Award ceremony in 2014 brought an additional award for Best TV Broadcast Advertisement for #ProtectYourCookies.