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Tesla Motors

ABA11 Winner / How to Enter

Company: Tesla Motors, Palo Alto, CA
Company Description: Palo Alto, Calif.-based Tesla designs and manufactures electric vehicles and EV powertrain components. Tesla has delivered more than 1,300 Roadsters to customers in North America, Europe and Asia. The Tesla Roadster accelerates faster than most sports cars yet produces no emissions.
Nomination Category: Website Awards & Blog Craft & Function Categories
Nomination Sub Category: Best Home Page

Nomination Title: Teslamotors.com

    When was this site or blog first published?

        The Tesla Motors website redesign was released on July 1, 2010.

    Briefly describe this entry’s communications objectives and how it met those objectives (up to 100 words). Include here the URL of the nominated web site or blog. IMPORTANT: begin the URL with http://, and enclose the URL in square brackets - e.g., [http://www.ourwebsite.com]:

        The overarching objective of Teslamotors.com is to deliver information about the
company, its cars, and its technology to a variety of audiences. The clean,
simple homepage effortlessly places the car as the hero using stunning imagery.
The clean, edited architecture feeds the “I want more” response by allowing
visitors to quickly identify their next area of exploration: deeper dives into
cars, technology, or company information. Link: http://www.teslamotors.com .

    List the appropriate creative and production credits for this entry:

        Odopod collaborated on the Visual Design of the website. All content by Tesla
Motors, Inc.