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Billeo, Inc

ABA11 Winner / How to Enter

Company: Billeo, Inc, Santa Clara, CA
Entry Submitted By: Atomic PR
Company Description: Billeo (www.billeo.com) is a suite of free Online Assistants that save people time and money in all types of online transactions, from shopping to bill pay.
Nomination Category: Website Awards & Blog Craft & Function Categories
Nomination Sub Category: Best E-commerce Site

Nomination Title: Billeo.com

    When was this site or blog first published?

        Billeo, Inc. was first launched in June, 2003. Its Offer Assistant was launched
in September 2009.

    Briefly describe this entry’s communications objectives and how it met those objectives (up to 100 words). Include here the URL of the nominated web site or blog. IMPORTANT: begin the URL with http://, and enclose the URL in square brackets - e.g., [http://www.ourwebsite.com]:

Billeo provides a suite of Online Assistants that save people time and money in
all types of online transactions. Its online shopping tool, Offer Assistant
https://www.billeo.com/tour/tour_landing.html, saves users an average of 6 to
11 percent on each purchase – with no work required. After downloading the
toolbar once, the Offer Assistant instantly shows users all the deals and
discounts currently available for the exact item they are searching for, right
within their Google, Yahoo! or Bing search results. To do this, Billeo works
with more than 40 banks, six of the top 10 credit card issuers and more than
1,500 merchants.

    List the appropriate creative and production credits for this entry:

Murali Subbaro, CEO and Founder of Billeo Inc.
Allwyn Lobo, Cofounder and Vice President of Engineering & Operations