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Quality Systems, Inc.

ABA11 Winner / How to Enter

Company: Quality Systems, Inc., Irvine, CA
Entry Submitted By: PAIRELATIONS, LLC
Company Description: Irvine, Calif.-based Quality Systems, Inc. and its NextGen Healthcare subsidiary develop and market computer- based practice management, electronic health records and revenue cycle management applications as well as connectivity products and services for medical and dental group practices and small hospitals. Visit www.qsii.com and www.nextgen.com for additional information.
Nomination Category: Support Awards Categories
Nomination Sub Category: Support Staffer of the Year

Nomination Title: Quality Systems, Inc.’s Julie Farlow Keeps Things Moving Right Along

    Tell the story about what this nominee achieved since January 1 2010 (up to 500 words). Focus on specific accomplishments, and relate these accomplishments to past performance or industry norms. Be sure to mention obstacles overcome, innovations or discoveries made, and outcomes:

        Every organization needs a Julie Farlow but only Quality Systems, Inc. (QSI) is
lucky enough to have one. 

        Julie brings stellar organizational skills, significant knowledge and a lot of
energy (probably the most important trait) to her job as executive assistant to
QSI’s CEO.  Everyone knows that being an assistant to a busy CEO is more than a
full-time job in it of itself. 

        However, in addition to the duties that comprise that role, Julie is the go-to-
person, a/k/a office administrator and anything anyone needs her to be in a
given day. 

        During 2010, Julie was charged with relocation of the corporate offices and in
earned a Gold Star nomination, an internal program fostering peer recognition.

        Julie served as lead on the corporate relocation project.  In this capacity,

•  Worked with vendors and contactors to plan and develop the layout of the
new space
•  Acted as main contact for all vendors and contractors to demo and rebuild
to spec.  She selected finishes, ordered appliances, created and coordinated
the move schedule and obtained boxes for the staff
•  Moved two business units, which encompassed six corporate departments
•  Handled relocation of 150 employees’ offices
•  Responsible for tracking the XXX boxes of items that belonged to each of
these employees; ensuring their delivery
•  Created separate floor for QSI dental division
•  Merged field office into new location
•  Completed project according to timeline
•  Worked with procurement on new rates
•  Coordinated all requirements with space planner and designer on layout
that only she knew would work for the executive team and employees

        Julie is also the company’s event and community relations coordinator.  In
2010, she organized the following events:

 •  Charity events (Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure participation, St.
Baldrick’s Foundation haircutting event, Olive Crest Children’s home
sponsorship, etc.)
•  Gold Standard committee – internal committee that encourages staff to
exceed expectations
•  Holiday parties
•  Annual Company outing to the Anaheim Angel’s game

        Most might think that all this is simply more than one person can manage, but
Julie is a balancing act to witness in action.

        In addition to all of the above, she also provides human resources support with
respect to employee relations, handling daily HR questions and concerns;
producing reports on workers compensation claims for all locations; providing
assistance with 401(k) Administration; negotiating with broker on all health
benefits; and representing the company in DLSE wage claims, where she works
diligently and cost-effectively to achieve fair, positive outcomes.

        Julie is also co-chair of QSI’s Corporate Advisory Council, a group of five
staff members that report to the CEO on topics of concern or interest of the
staff based in the Irvine, CA headquarters.  This group meets quarterly or as

        QSI knows what an asset Julie is, which is why she is afforded increasing
responsibility in addition to her “regular” job.  Clearly, there is nothing
regular for or about Julie Farlow.  That’s what makes her so valuable to the

    List hyperlinks to any online news stories, press releases, or other documents that support the claims made in the section above. IMPORTANT: Begin each link with http://, and enclose each link in square brackets; for example, [http://www.youraddress.com]:

        Supporting materials for this nomination were submitted offline.

    Provide a brief (up to 100 words) biography about the nominee:

        Julie Farlow’s office experience spans nearly 20 years.  During this time, she
developed an expertise in office administration, providing executive support to
a range of large companies throughout Orange County, California. 

        At Quality Systems, she continues to assume responsibilities that encompass
several roles, as evidenced by her serving as first and foremost, assistant to
the CEO while also handling human resources.

        Farlow’s technical proficiency has also sets her apart in her roles and she is
advanced in many applications including in Microsoft Excel, Word, PowerPoint,
Outlook Mail and various Internet platforms.