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Lattice Engines

ABA11 Winner / How to Enter

Company: Lattice Engines, San Mateo, CA
Company Description: Lattice Engines is the leader in B2B sales intelligence software enabling Fortune 5000 companies to Sell Smarter and achieve a 6-14% increase in sales productivity within one year of deployment through Intelligent Targeting, Contextual Conversations and Measurable Execution.
Nomination Category: Company / Organization Categories
Nomination Sub Category: Business Innovation of the Year

Nomination Title: Lattice Engines

    Tell the story about what this nominee achieved since January 1 2010 (up to 500 words). Focus on specific accomplishments, and relate these accomplishments to past performance or industry norms. Be sure to mention obstacles overcome, innovations or discoveries made, and outcomes:

        salesPRISM sales intelligence software from Lattice Engines is transforming the sales profession from art into science.  With formal marketing efforts beginning in 2010, salesPRISM has already taken the market by storm. Thousands of sales reps at leading Fortune 5000 companies like Dell and ADP now rely on salesPRISM to boost productivity.  The market has recognized this innovation. In 2010, Lattice Engines was the 9th fastest-growing software company on the Inc500. OnDemand recognized Lattice Engines for innovation, naming us one of
the top 100 private companies for “taking old notions of data management, customer relationships, and infrastructure and forging solutions that will
shake up the industry and lead to large value creation opportunities.”

        We are solving an acute business problem. Declining productivity is a major
challenge for sales teams: selling time is down and traditional selling tactics
are less effective. There are three issues at-play:

        1. As a result of the economic downturn, reps are saddled with more
administrative tasks. They have fewer hours available for planning and
conducting customer meetings.

        2. The Internet and social media have placed more power into the hands of
Buyers. They are much better informed and resistant to traditional sales
pitches. They expect sales people to have done their homework prior to the
first introductory call, and engage in a conversation that reflects a deep
understanding of the company’s context and needs.

        3. Sales reps have a lot more homework to do these days.  The explosive growth
of social media (e.g., Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn) is inundating sales reps
with data about their accounts and contacts.

        Despite the decline in sales productivity, sales leaders and their teams are on
the hook to deliver growth.  They rely on salesPRISM software to boost front-
line productivity by at least 6-14%.

        • Reps use salesPRISM every day to ensure that selling time is aligned against
accounts that are most likely to purchase and have the highest expected deal

        • Once the top account opportunities are identified, salesPRISM arms reps with
data-driven talking points. salesPRISM gives reps a reason to pick up the phone
and call the customer. They are much more likely to gain access to decision-
makers and convert meetings into sales. 

        salesPRISM is unique in four ways:

        1. Delivering Intelligence, Not Just Data:  To be effective, a sales
intelligence solution has to transform raw data - including internal and
external sources - into intuitive, account-level recommendations and talking
points. Which accounts will sales reps contact this week? Why? What should they
say to each one? Just throwing more raw data at sales reps is not the answer.
salesPRISM integrates reams of data and predicts critical behavioral and
purchase patterns.

        2. Internal AND External Scope: Would you ever read a book with half the pages
missing? Solutions that incorporate only external data are just as incomplete.
B2B companies are endowed with underused goldmines of internal data. salesPRISM
harnesses this data to create intelligence that will make sales reps shine in
every customer conversation.

        3. Integration with Existing CRM and Marketing Automation Systems: salesPRISM
integrates with existing infrastructure, extracting maximum value from IT, data
and CRM investments. Pre-built connectors to leading CRM (e.g.,,
Siebel) and Marketing Automation systems (e.g., Eloqua, Marketo) minimize work
for IT and ensure sales reps are up and running this quarter.

        4. Refresh Frequency: A sure way to have sales reps abandon a sales
intelligence solution is with missing, incorrect and outdated data. salesPRISM
provides complete account profiles and recommendations, creating a single
source of customer and prospect information. Data is refreshed continuously to
keep reps using the solution on a day-to-day basis.

        What do our customers say?
“Lattice is a game changer for my reps and for Dell.” – Regional Sales Leader,

        “The results have been really positive. We’ve seen a significant increase in
new opportunities and total pipeline value.” – SVP Sales, ADP

        “salesPRISM helps me every day to get the best insight and have the best
conversation with my accounts.” – Account Executive, ADP

    List hyperlinks to any online news stories, press releases, or other documents that support the claims made in the section above. IMPORTANT: Begin each link with http://, and enclose each link in square brackets; for example, []:

        • Lattice Engines Selected as a 2011 OnDemand 100 Top Private Company

        • Big Data Needs to Think Bigger: TechCrunch’s Semil Shah names Lattice Engines
among companies working with "big data" and talks about the opportunities that
this data will create in the future.

        • Lattice Engines Named 9th Fastest Growing Software Company in the Inc500

        • Betting Big on Data: Lattice Engines CEO Shashi Upadhyay Interviewed by

        • Lattice Engines Named a Finalist for the Sales and Marketing 2.0 Awards for
Best Use of Social Media for Sales

        • Lattice Engines Named One of OnMedia’s Top 100 Companies for Innovation in
Sales and Marketing Analytics

    Provide a brief (up to 100 words) biography about the nominee or the leader of the nominated company:

        Shashi Upadhyay, CEO  – Shashi is responsible for advancing Lattice Engines'
vision to deliver world-class analytics software to a global base of Fortune
5000 customers. Before founding Lattice Engines, he was a Partner at McKinsey &
Company where he served Fortune 500 clients on improving productivity. During
the last downturn, he worked with the CEOs of several troubled companies to
help conduct operational and strategic turnarounds. He is currently an advisor
to Amar Chitra Katha, the leading children's publication in India. Shashi holds
an undergraduate degree from the Indian Institute of Technology at Kanpur and a
Ph.D. in Physics from Cornell University.