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ABA11 Winner / How to Enter

Company: Viverae, Dallas, TX
Company Description: Founded in 2003, Viverae is a national provider of comprehensive health management solutions that help corporations reduce health care costs through improved employee health. Viverae helps employers and their employees control health care costs by identifying, addressing and reducing health risks before they turn into significant medical expenses.
Nomination Category: Company / Organization Categories
Nomination Sub Category: Best Overall Company of the Year - Up to 2,500 Employees

Nomination Title: Viverae

    Tell the story about what this nominated company achieved since January 1 2010 (up to 500 words). Focus on specific accomplishments, and relate these accomplishments to past performance or industry norms. Be sure to mention obstacles overcome, innovations or discoveries made, and outcomes:

        Viverae’s mission is to create cultures of health in the workplace for its
corporate clients. Creating a healthy work environment reflects what the
company is all about. 

        Viverae walks the talk when it comes to the health of its own team, especially
in 2010 when the company implemented a comprehensive health management program
that includes annual biometric screenings, Member Health Assessments, access to
Viverae’s proprietary website to manage and track program participation,
quarterly activity challenges, monthly educational sessions, and a robust
incentive program (which contributes either $740 toward an employee’s Health
Savings Account or two additional days of PTO for employees that successfully
complete the wellness program in a given period).

        It’s the big – and little – things that contribute to an overall culture of
health at Viverae. Walking around the office, you’ll see employees sitting on
exercise balls, departments taking two-minute exercise breaks twice a day, a
bicycle in the CEO’s office, employees exercising throughout the day in its own
on-site gym (for 2011 with a major expansion in the works), an always-stocked
bowl of fruit for the taking in the lobby, and a constant supply of healthy,
nutritious snacks in its corporate-branded vending machine.

        The company recently opened up an onsite café, offering a company subsidized
meal program providing healthy food options for breakfast and dinner to all

        These healthy offerings – combined with data-driven health assessments – allow
the Viverae team to maintain a healthy lifestyle while at home and at the

        Viverae believes in practicing what you preach – if you tell prospects to
implement a health management solution you must, too. This focus on internal
health is paying off with its external efforts for business development,
enhanced marketing and sales departments and a clear focus on addressing the
rising cost of health care for employers.

        Viverae also launched a suite of products in 2010, developing health management
solutions for small, mid-size and large employers, as well as a separate
product sold through the broker channel.

        Viverae has thrived during the recent years. In 2010, with its most profitable
and highest growth-rate year yet. Viverae doubled its business, year-over-year,
from 2009 to 2010, growing from 78 employees and revenue of $4.6 million in
2009, to 139 employees and revenue of $10.9 million in 2010. Viverae is
leveraging this momentum in 2011, having already added 32 employees with plans
to continue hiring throughout the year.


        As Viverae CEO, Michael Nadeau would say, “Our goal has been to build the best
health management company in the country.  We’re doing exactly that by building
the best team, housed in the best environment, with the best tools, for the
highest productivity and levels of personal health.”

        Today, Viverae is considered a thought leader in the workplace wellness space,
and continues to lead discussion on the differences between health care and
health insurance. With health care reform moving forward, Viverae continues to
spread the message that personal responsibility for self care are essential for
cost containment – for both employers and employees – and the health of our

    List hyperlinks to any online news stories, press releases, or other documents that support the claims made in the section above. IMPORTANT: Begin each link with http://, and enclose each link in square brackets; for example, []:



    Provide a brief (up to 100 words) biography about the leader of this nominated company:

        Founded in 2003 in response to excessive utilization of health care and an
unhealthy workforce, Viverae provides health management solutions that help
corporations control health care costs by identifying, addressing and reducing
health risks before they turn into significant medical expenses. Viverae’s
solutions are a unique combination of comprehensive health assessments,
employee incentives, creative engagement strategies and proprietary software to
manage client programs.

        Viverae was recognized with the E&Y Entrepreneur Of The Year® 2009 regional
award, as a “Best Places to Work” by the Dallas Business Journal  and the
Dallas Morning News and as one of the fastest growing companies by 2010 Inc.