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HEART Certified Auto Care, Evanston, Illinois, United States: Brian Moak, Excellence in Management of Automotive Repair Business

Company: HEART Certified Auto Care
Company Description: Brian Moak is an entrepreneur and the successful owner of HEART Certified Auto Care. Heart, one of Chicagoland’s top-producing independently owned auto repair facilities, has been serving Illinois’ Northshore community for over 40 years. Through his dedication to leading with authenticity he has successfully enabled HEART and his other businesses to achieve record breaking productivity.
Nomination Category: Management Categories
Nomination Sub Category: Achievement in Management - Automotive & Transport Equipment
2024 Stevie Winner Nomination Title: Brian Moak - Excellence in Management of Automotive Repair Business
  1. Which will you provide for your nomination in this category, an essay of up to 650 words describing the achievements of the nominated management team, group, or individual since January 1 2022, OR a video of up to five (5) minutes in length describing the same? CHOOSE ONE:
    An essay of up to 650 words
  2. If you are submitting a video of up to five (5) minutes in length, provide the URL of the nominated video here, OR attach it to your entry via the "Add Attachments, Videos, or Links to This Entry" link above, through which you may also upload a copy of your video:


  3. If you are providing an essay of up to 650 words, place it in this space:

    Total 648 words used.

    Brian Moak and HEART Certified Autocare continuously shatter industry standards with astounding customer and employee retention rates.  Maintaining a 95% customer retention rate and an average 14-year tenure for employees is simply unheard of amongst his peers.  Within a span of 2 years, Brian has grown his company’s bottom line by 300% while maintaining, on average, an 8% growth on the top line.  Brian has accomplished all of this while creating several developmental programs that have led to many more opportunities for his employees.  This has enabled Brian to go from solely operating all of his locations to creating several leadership roles where employees have the opportunity to flourish and grow.  He has created a culture of people who own their jobs, time, and success.  They are goal-orientated and see their positions as a future, not just as a job.  
    For example, several of Brian’s top producing and earning employees started as porters or entry-level general service techs. His now vice president, who has full operational control of his business, started as a part-time parts runner. He moved up to salesperson, then to service advisor, then a store manager, then a sales manager, general manager, and now he is the vice president of the company. Similar stories go for his Head of HR as well as his Director of Marketing, who has been responsible for creating an average of 18% transactional growth year over year.

    Brian’s ability to truly see people for their strengths, to hire and coach his team based on their traits instead of skills, and to use data as a tool to see what, where, why, and how to find solutions with his team have been achievements all on their own.

    Brian is a visionary in his approach to automotive repair.  He has taken an industry that typically has so many negative connotations and has completely overhauled that perception within his company. He views what others consider to be ‘problems’ or ‘roadblocks’ as opportunities and ‘expenses’ as investments, passionately teaching his team to do the same through path-forward management. Through his mission to change the industry standard, Brian has impacted and continues to positively influence all those around him greatly.  

    Brian Moak has continued to break industry stereotypes by focusing on a path-forward management style driven by data and vulnerability. Customers, as well as employees, are seen as people, not revenue, which, in turn, has driven revenue further and more organically than imagined. Within his shops, he has established a culture that supports development through mentorship and coaching instead of solely sales quotas and negative reinforcement. Also varying from your typical auto shop, he maintains stocked employee lounges and hosts several employee appreciation events, including an annual family event for employees to be recognized and celebrate with their families. He also created a “Heart-Bank” where employees can borrow, interest-free, up to one paycheck in advance with no questions asked. Through his drive to always maintain personal connections and an overall compassionate and empathetic method of operating, Brian has created a loyal and empowering culture amongst his employees that has spread exponentially to his customers. He also started sharing these powerful management techniques with others in the industry through keynotes at top conferences, such as Ratchet and Wrench.

    One of the most significant achievements Brian has experienced while implementing all of these unconventional management techniques is the potential to foster innovation. A heart-led business culture nurtures diversity and inclusivity and has allowed his team members to share their ideas freely, without fear of judgment, opening the door to a wealth of creative solutions that have enhanced his business and empowered everyone along the way.  

    Brian’s management style and his achievement in leading his team in such a unique way truly speak for themselves when looking at the fact HEART Certified Autocare closed 2023 with $14 million in revenue and a team celebration worthy of that number.

  4. In bullet-list form, provide a brief summary of up to ten (10) of the chief accomplishments of the nominee(s) since January 1 2022. This is required whether you are submitting a video or an essay:

    - Brian has achieved and maintained a 14 year employee tenure in his three shops

    - Brian has provided an average employee compensation growth rate of 13% per year

    - Brian has created a 71% increase in gross sales over the past 13 years

    - Brian and his shops have maintained a 98% same day completion of all repairs and services

    - Brian has grown his companys bottom line by 300% in the past two years 

    - Brian has grown the top line by an average by 8% over the last 2 years

    - Through Brians management and coaching his team has been responsible for creating an average of an 18% transaction growth year over year

Brian Moak - Excellence in Management of Automotive Repair Business
PDF ratchetandwrench_keynote_speaker_Brian_Moak.pdf
PDF Daily_Northwesterner_Brian_Moak.pdf
PDF Brian_Moak_Business_Equality_Magazine.pdf
PDF Tire_Review_BRIAN_COVER_NOV_2017.pdf