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Hilton Software, Coral Springs, Florida, United States: Dr. Hilton Goldstein, CEO & Founder

Company: Hilton Software, Coral Springs, FL
Company Description: Hilton Software is the market-leader in development of multi-platform mobile solutions for General Aviation, Commercial and Military operations and is the prime-contractor for the Department of Defense Aeronautical Mobile Application. Hilton Software has developed the first mobile application owned by the Department of Defense to make full use of cloud computing technologies.
Nomination Category: Entrepreneur Categories
Nomination Sub Category: Best Entrepreneur - Aerospace & Defense
2024 Stevie Winner Nomination Title: Dr. Hilton Goldstein
  1. Which will you submit for this nomination, an essay of up to 650 words about the achievements of the nominated entrepreneur since January 1 2022, OR a video of up to five (5) minutes about the same? CHOOSE ONE:
    An essay of up to 650 words
  2. If you are submitting a video of up to five (5) minutes in length, provide the URL of the nominated video here, OR attach it to your entry via the "Add Attachments, Videos, or Links to This Entry" link above, through which you may also upload a copy of your video:


    Terrain Sector Analysis:

    Aero App Video:

    Addtional attachments included in this submission. 

  3. If you are providing an essay of up to 650 words, place it in this space:

    Total 650 words used.

    Dr. Hilton Goldstein is an accomplished entrepreneur and visionary leader, serving as the Chief Executive Officer and Founder of Hilton Software. Dr. Goldstein successfully led his team to win a multi-million dollar contract. Under his guidance, Hilton Software has established itself as a market leader in development of multi-platform mobile aviation solutions for General Aviation, Commercial, and Military operations. As the prime contractor responsible for the United States Department of Defense’s Aeronautical Mobile Application (Aero App), Hilton Software has gained recognition for its innovative approach to mobile aviation solutions. In addition to Aero App being used by DOD crews worldwide, Aero App is also used by FAA pilots to flight test FAA Instrument Approach Procedures used to fly millions of people to their destinations on airlines and General Aviation aircraft daily.

    It all started in 2003 when Dr. Goldstein was flying sick kids on Angel Flights in California and wrote software solely for his use. Several years later in 2011 when Synthetic Vision on mobile devices seemed impossible. Dr. Goldstein developed an architecture powered by a highly-efficient terrain-processing algorithm to introduce accurate safe altitude calculations based on surrounding terrain and vertical obstacles not only on an iPad, but even on an iPhone with a less powerful processor, less memory, and a slower graphics system. Dr. Goldstein combined his passion for aviation, his solid foundation in Computer Science, and a vision for electronic mobile devices to start a company pursuing that vision. Hilton Software started as a one-man company and over time became recognized within the aviation industry. Hilton Software disrupted the aviation industry by being the first company to introduce revolutionary features such as ADS-B weather and traffic, Synthetic Vision, Split Screen, Ground Proximity Warning Systems, traca™, and many more on mobile devices. As a result, Hilton Software has won several large Government contracts and continues to innovate and produce quality software and data every year.

    Dr. Goldstein balances multiple roles and wears multiple hats within the company. Goldstein's commitment to the success of the company is evident in the hands-on involvement he has in all aspects of the business. He encourages his team to imagine and nurture new ideas, even if they may seem unconventional at first. This approach has led to the development of some of the company's most successful products and services such as the recently awarded Patent 11,885,623 “System and method for mapping a position on a non-linear navigational chart” which describes a novel way to position aircraft symbols and the like on charts which are not drawn to scale thereby opening an entirely new capability in aviation situational awareness.

    What sets Dr. Goldstein apart is his unwavering dedication to his employees. He understands that the key to success lies in providing a supportive work environment that encourages learning and fosters growth. Hilton Software invests in our future by offering tuition reimbursement, online courses, and paid aviation knowledge tuition to improve our career skills and aviation knowledge. Another incentive that Dr. Goldstein offers is that he observes those who are persistent and those who take risks in their work environment. Hilton enjoys those who work hard and accept challenges. As a reward, Hilton Software looks to promote from within the company.

    The team members at Hilton Software are not only highly skilled professionals but are also empowered individuals who are driven to achieve their full potential. This resulted in providing aid during natural disasters such as Hurricane Dorian in the Bahamas and Hurricane Harvey in Texas. Hilton Software quickly delivered charts that enabled Search and Rescue pilots to navigate their way through flooded and devasted areas allowing pilots to rescue hundreds of people.

    Under Dr. Goldstein's leadership, the company has become a hub for innovative technology. The team's expertise in developing systems and providing support for the Department of Defense's flight operations is only a small testament to the contribution of the company’s success.

  4. In bullet-list form, briefly summarize up to ten (10) of the chief accomplishments of this nominated entrepreneur since the beginning of 2022.

    Total 139 words used.

    • Dr. Goldstein’s was awarded Patent 11,885,623 “System and method for mapping a position on a non-linear navigational chart” which added a capability to aviation navigation systems never seen before.
    • Dr. Goldstein successfully led his team to win a multi-million dollar contract.
    • Dr. Goldstein has conceived, designed, and helped develop a fast and powerful big data system that will enable Government Agency systems to access static and real-time data fast and efficiently for route analysis and other practical and research purposes.
    • Dr. Goldstein has redesigned Hilton Software’s Airport Diagram Georeferencing System to accurately display vehicle and building locations on FAA and DOD Airport Diagrams. In fact, the system is able to very accurately update the position of multiple objects, such as aircraft and airport vehicles, I real-time and display them on the Airport Diagram for incredible situational awareness.
Dr. Hilton Goldstein
MP4 Hilton_Software___Innovation.mp4