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Delta Dental of Kansas, Wichita, Kansas, United States: Kristen Hoffman, Chief Operating and Experience Officer

Company: Delta Dental of Kansas, Wichita, KS
Company Description: Delta Dental of Kansas is the largest, most experienced dental benefits company in Kansas. We are passionate about providing benefits that meet the needs of our customers and educating Kansans about the importance of good oral health.
Nomination Category: Customer Service Categories
Nomination Sub Category: Customer Service Executive of the Year
2024 Stevie Winner Nomination Title: Kristen Hoffman
  1. Which will you submit for your nomination in this category, a video of up to five (5) minutes in length about the nominated customer service executive's achievements since the beginning of 2022, OR an essay of up to 650 words? (Choose one):
    An essay of up to 650 words
  2. If you are submitting a video of up to five (5) minutes in length, provide the URL of the nominated video here, OR attach it to your entry via the "Add Attachments, Videos, or Links to This Entry" link above, through which you may also upload a copy of your video:


  3. If you are providing an essay of up to 650 words, place it in the following space:

    Total 595 words used.

    Kristen Hoffman is an extraordinary leader who has been with DDKS for 14 years. Hoffman has held progressive leadership roles at DDKS with her most recent role being Chief Operating and Experience Officer where she oversees Operations and enhancing the customer experience for employers and consumers managed by Delta Dental of Kansas and its subsidiaries in 34 states.

    Under Hoffman’s leadership the Customer Service call center was recently recognized as a Benchmark Portal Center of Excellence, meaning that they are in the top 10% of call centers nationwide. This certification focuses on effectiveness and efficiency, balancing satisfaction and cost across all key performance indicators. The certification was based on our effectiveness in key performance areas compared to our peers in the industry. (See Attachment 1.) The call center received additional recognition from Benchmark portal based on the performance results achieved by our customer team: third highest ranking call center in the United States (small center category), Best overall satisfaction rating (among all companies) and Best overall agent satisfaction rating (among all companies).

    Hoffman has implemented numerous enhancements and process improvements that have resulted in outstanding outcomes. Some of Hoffman’s improvements to enhance performance in 2023 included:

    • Restructured the claims and customer service teams to provide more expertise and a dedicated focus on our products.
    • Developed a tiered training plan to advance cross training of Claims Processors and Customer Service Representatives.
    • Implemented strategic improvements to IVR system including a streamlined call flow to improve the user experience and improved service for stakeholders to quickly get answers.
    • Revised the Coordination of Benefit process to improve service, streamline claims payment and enhance efficiency.
    • Automated reporting capabilities to create real time transparency into service metrics.
    • Aligned talent with strategic priorities to maximize employee resource allocation.
    • Enhanced the claim audit process to improve service and efficiency.
    • Streamlined quality assurance processes to improve claims turnaround time.
    • Digitized the mail process.
    • Developed real-time feedback for idea sharing and deployment of innovations.
    • Established off-site small group meetings for relationship development and idea sharing.

    As a result of these enhancements under Hoffman’s leadership, the DDKS’ Customer Service department has produced results above and beyond industry standards for 2023.

    2023 Customer Service Benchmarking Results:

    Delta Dental scored above average compared to industry standards in all 6 benchmarking categories. (See attachment 2.)

    • Average speed to answer
      • DDKS: 11 seconds
      • Industry standard: 26 seconds
    • First call resolution
      • DDKS: 99%
      • Industry standard: 94.53%
    • Abandonment rate
      • DDKS: 1.11%
      • Industry standard: 1.79%
    • IVR Containment
      • DDKS: 53%
      • Industry standard: 40.88%
    • Customer Satisfaction
      • DDKS: 93.30%
      • Industry standard: 77.19%
    • Agent satisfaction
      • DDKS: 94%
      • Industry Standard: 53.14%

    DDKS has a Net Promotor score of 56 compared to an industry average of 16. (See attachment 3.) Members also score interactions with our agents considerably above industry standards. Our agents received an overall agent score of 94. Testimonials are included in attachment 4.

    Hoffman ensures that customer survey feedback has been prioritized and incorporated into her department strategy. This ongoing feedback is critical to the departments continued success to meet and exceed our customer’s experience. DDKS consistently receives very high marks with a current overall satisfaction rating average of 93.30%. The survey also provides opportunities for open ended questions and sentiment tracking around if there were any issues that were not resolved to their satisfaction, and how we can improve their experience with us.

    Hoffman’s dedication to her team, the customer experience, the company, and the community is extraordinary. The achievements of the entire department are a direct result of Hoffman’s leadership and commitment to the team’s success.

  4. In bullet-list form, provide a brief summary (up to 150 words) of up to ten (10) of the chief accomplishments of the nominated customer service executive since the beginning of 2022:

    Total 144 words used.

    • Under Hoffman’s leadership the call center was recently awarded the Benchmark Portal’s Center of Excellence Certification which is awarded to the top 10% of call centers nationwide and received additional recognition based on the performance results achieved by our customer team: third highest ranking call center in the United States, Best overall satisfaction rating and Best overall agent satisfaction rating.
    • Under Hoffman’s leadership DDKS has an overall customer satisfaction of 93.30% compared to an industry standard of 77.19%
    • Under Hoffman’s leadership DDKS has an NPS score of 56 compared to an industry standard of 16.
    • Under Hoffman’s leadership the department’s agent satisfaction scores were 94% compared to an industry average of 53.14%.
    • Under Hoffman’s leadership DDKS out-preforms industry standards: ranks 15 seconds faster in speed to answer times; 4.47% higher in first call resolution; 12.12% higher in IVR containment.
Kristen Hoffman
PDF DDKS_Customer_Service_Attachment_1_Center_of_Excellence.pdf
PDF DDKS_Customer_Service_Attachment_3_NPS.pdf
PDF DDKS_Customer_Service_Attachment_4_Agent_Score.pdf
PDF DDKS_Customer_Service_Attachment_2_CS_Benchmarking.pdf
URL Delta Dental of Kansas Homepage