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ABA10 WinnerCompany: FamilyLink, Provo, UT
Company Description: FamilyLink provides the platform for the family social experience. Families can generate content, preserve interactions, add historical content and communicate across a number of mediums. FamilyLink started 2009 as a popular Facebook application and ended the year as the world’s fastest growing standalone web site. It has 70 million users and 20 million users use the product on a monthly basis.
Nomination Category: Web Awards / Web Site & Blog Categories
Nomination Sub Category: Media

Nomination Title: FamilyLink -- Fastest Growing Family Social Networking Site

1. When was this site or blog first published?


2. Briefly describe this entry’s communications objectives and how it met those objectives (up to 100 words). Include here the URL of the nominated web site or blog. IMPORTANT: begin the URL with http://, and enclose the URL in square brackets - e.g., []:
password: f@milylink1

FamilyLink provides families a platform to come
together and share experiences, photos, and content in a secure environment.
FamilyLink proactively helps users find relatives to connect with and offers
functionality that helps users start conversations, informs family of major,
life events, and entertains each other in an appropriate environment.

Creating viral, innovative and unique ad campaigns are crucial for social media.
FamilyLink customizes survey questions, quizzes and the other plug-ins to create
a social experience for our users and the advertiser. Brands such as Sears,
American Family Insurance, and ProFlowers have taken advantage of FamilyLink’s
advertising opportunities.

3. List the appropriate creative and production credits for this entry:

Paul Allen, CEO