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Greater Prairie Business Consulting, Inc., Irving, TX: James J. Talerico, Jr., Founder & CEO

Company: Greater Prairie Business Consulting, Inc., Irving, TX
Company Description: Greater Prairie Business Consulting, Inc. is an award-winning, national consulting practice focusing on small to mid-sized privately held and family-owned businesses of any type with revenues between $1 million and $250 million. With more than 30 years of business experience, our CEO has a solid track record & an A+ BBB rating helping thousands of businesses improve their performance.
Nomination Category: COVID-19 Response Categories
Nomination Sub Category: Media Hero of the Year
2022 Stevie Winner Nomination Title: James J. Talerico, Jr.

  1. If you are providing an essay of up to 350 words, place it in the following space:

    Total 350 words used.

    Greater Prairie Business Consulting, Inc.’s “Small Business Owner’s Covid-19 Survival Tool Kit” is the most comprehensive resource available on the Internet for small businesses looking for ideas to succeed during the Covid-19 crisis. 

    Greater Prairie Business Consulting, Inc.'s CEO James J. Talerico, Jr. put together this “Covid-19 survival tool kit” for SMEs during the pandemic, from his Bloomberg Talk Radio appearances and the articles he wrote for several different blog sites.

    This tool kit was offered “pro-bono” to small business owners through the SBA’s Small Business Development Center in Plano, Texas, to members of the Institute of Management Consultants, to his clients and prospects, and to the business community for just $19.95 via a press release that went virial on 6/25/2020.  It includes free updates, a 100% satisfaction guarantee, and is available on his company's web site.

    This information includes everything from practical advice for businesses that have struggled to reposition their business to compete in the post Covid world to the latest digital strategies for succeeding in today’s marketplace.  The ideas shared in this Small Business Owner’s Covid-19 Survival Tool Kit are relevant to any type of business.

    The information assembled in this “Small Business Owner’s Covid-19 Survival Tool Kit” can, moreover, be viewed as a guide for businesses that have not created a “disaster plan” for their business.  Given the more frequent occurrences of natural and man-made disasters, disaster planning will, without question, continue to be an important topic for small businesses worldwide. 

    In short, the reason this “Small Business Owner’s Covid-19 Survival Tool Kit” is relevant internationally is that it is a comprehensive, unique, and pertinent resource – relevant both today and in the future - for successfully repositioning any small business in a volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous (VUCA) world.

         About James J. Talerico, Jr, CEO, Greater Prairie Business Consulting, Inc. - 

    James J. Talerico, Jr.’s impressive reputation as a small business expert / media personality is highlighted both on the “CEO Bio” page of his company web site: and on his LinkedIn page

  2. Optional: Reference any attachments of supporting materials throughout this nomination and how they provide evidence of the claims you have made in this nomination (up to 250 words):

    Total 249 words used.

    There are several places where one may view the contents of this tool kit, which includes a plethora of financial, tax, HR, safety, leadership, sales & marketing strategies, government information and business advice to help small businesses survive the pandemic and create a comprehensive disaster plan to prepare for the next crisis:

    • First, you will find a description of James J. Talerico, Jr.'s “Small Business Owner’s Covid-19 Survival Tool Kit” on the “store” page of his company's web site, which is linked to his Square store at:
    • Second, you can find all the tool kit articles, which first appeared in several different blog sites on the “media” page of his web site, but I would recommend looking at the attachments to review this content, as these blog sites are sometimes down for maintenance. 

    The below attachments include a title page that lists the contents of the “Small Business Owner’s Covid-19 Survival Tool Kit.” This file is titled: A_COVID-19 TABLE OF CONTENTS_OPEN THIS FILE FIRST_2022 and is followed by the contents of the Small Business Owner’s Covid-19 Survival Tool Kit.

    Again, James J. Talerico, Jr.’s impressive reputation as a small business expert / media personality is highlighted both on his LinkedIn page and the “CEO Bio” page of his web site:

  3. Which will you submit for your nomination in this category, a video of up to five (5) minutes in length about the nominated individual, OR an essay of up to 350 words? (Choose one):
    An essay of up to 350 words
  4. If you are submitting a video of up to five (5) minutes in length, provide the URL of the nominated video here, OR attach it to your entry via the "Add Attachments, Videos, or Links to This Entry" link above, through which you may also upload a copy of your video:
James J. Talerico, Jr.
PDF Toolkit_Article_3_Covid_19_Sales__Marketing_Ideas_2022.pdf
PDF Toolkit_Article_10_The_Coming_Wave_of_Covid_19_Bankruptcies_Article_2022.pdf
PDF Toolkit_Article_8_Cybersecurity_and_Covid_2022.pdf
PDF Toolkit_Article_11_Subchapter_V_Will_Help_Small_Businesses_Thru_This_Crisis_2022.pdf
PDF Toolkit_Article_7_Covid_19_Succession_Planning_Article_2022.pdf
PDF Toolkit_Article_2_Remerging_From_The_Sheltering_In_Place_2022.pdf
PDF Toolkit_Article_6_Future_Post_Covid_19_Worker_And_Workplace_Trends_2022.pdf
PDF Toolkit_Article_5_Covid_Reopening_Planning_Considerations_2022.pdf
PDF Toolkit_Article_4_PPP_Loan_And_Tax_Law_Changes_2022.pdf
PDF Toolkit_Article_15_If_You_Want_To_Succeed_in_2021_You_Need_to_Master_Virtual_Selling_2022.pdf
PDF Toolkit_Article_12_Selling_In_A_Post_Covid_World_2022.pdf
PDF Toolkit_Article_13_Maximizing_Your_Digital_Strategy_In_A_Post_Covid_World_2022.pdf
PDF Toolkit_Article_14_Building_an_Effective_Sales_Strategy_to_Successfully_Compete_in_a_Post_Covid_World_2022.pdf
PDF Toolkit_Article_1_On_How_To_Survive_The_Coronavirus_2022.pdf
PDF Toolkit_Article_9_Disaster_Preparedness_for_Small_Business_2022.pdf
PDF Toolkit_AA_Covid_19_Small_Business_Tool_Kit_Cover_Page.pdf
PDF Toolkit_HR_H_FLMA_Employers_Guide_Paid_Leave_Programs_Guide_Source_US_Chamber.pdf
PDF ToolKit_Mgmt_Ref_B_50_Questions_Business_Leaders_Should_Be_Asking_During_the_Covid_19_Crisis.pdf
PDF Toolkit_HR_Ref_L_List_N_Cleaning_Agents_Source_EPA.pdf
PDF Toolkit_Policy_B_Sample_Computer_Password_Policy.pdf
PDF Toolkit_Financial_Ref_A_White_Paper_Small_Business_Owners_Guide_to_the_CARES_Act_Source_Senate_Committee_on_Small_Business.pdf
PDF Toolkit_HR_D_Coronavirus_Workplace_Tips_for_Employees_Poster_Source_CDC.pdf
JPG Toolkit_HR_E_Covid_19_Symptoms_Employee_Visitor_Announcement_Source_CDC.jpg
PDF Toolkit_HR_G_FFCRA_Sick_Leave_QA_White_Paper_Source_US_Chamber.pdf
PNG Toolkit_HR_F_Employee_Communications_About_Good_Hygiene.png
PNG Toolkit_HR_C_CoronaVirus_Healthy_Habits_Poster_Source_US_Chamber.png
PNG Toolkit_HR_K_General_Public_Communications_Shop_Announcement_Source_US_Chamber.png
PNG Toolkit_HR_I_Keeping_Safe_At_Home_Announcement_Source_US_Chamber.png
PNG Toolkit_HR_A_Covid_19_HR_Preparedness_Checklist_Source_US_Chamber.png
PDF Toolkit_Financial_Ref_C_Summary_Covid_19_Small_Business_Loans_Source_US_Chamber_of_Commerce.pdf
PDF Toolkit_Financial_Ref_B_Cares_Act_Comparison_of_PPP_and_EIDL_Programs_Source_Committee_on_Small_Business.pdf
PDF Toolkit_HR_J_Phase_1_2_3_Guidelines_Source_Opening_Up_America_Again.pdf
PNG Toolkit_HR_B_CoronaVirus_Employee_Announcement_What_To_Do_If_You_Get_Sick_Source_US_Chamber.png
PDF Toolkit_Policy_A_Sample_Work_From_Home_Procedure.pdf
PDF Toolkit_Mgmt_Ref_A_Management_Resilience_In_A_Box_Checklist_For_Business_Preparedness_Source_US_Chamber.pdf
PDF ToolKit_Press_Release_6_25_2020_GPBC_Inc_Creates_A_Covid_19_Survival_Tool_Kit_For_Small_Business_Owners_Expert_Click.pdf