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New Heights Educational Group, Defiance, OH: NHEG

Company: New Heights Educational Group, Defiance, OH
Company Description: Promotes literacy for children and adults by offering a range of educational support services. Such services include: assisting families in the selection of schools; organization of educational activities; and acquisition of materials.We promote a healthy learning environment and enrichment programs for families of preschool and school-age children, including children with special needs.
Nomination Category: COVID-19 Response Categories
Nomination Sub Category: Education Hero of the Year
2022 Stevie Winner Nomination Title: NHEG Education Hero of the Year

  1. If you are providing an essay of up to 350 words, place it in the following space:

    Total 106 words used.

    Award-winning organization New Heights Educational Group (NHEG) was formed in 2006 by Mrs. Pamela Clark. Mrs. Clark discovered that families needed to cooperate, especially in educating children with learning difficulties such as ADHD, bipolar disorder, autism and neurological disorders. NHEG has served over 350,000 students via online services and courses. Mrs. Clark leads a team of 90 volunteers who research advancements, provide training to teachers and tutors, create courses and tutor students. The organization has many internal departments including education, research, graphics, photography, HR, social media and marketing, proofreading/editing, authors/writers/script writers, comic book, production management for magazine, content builders, internet radio show/podcast, accounting and more. 

  2. Optional: Reference any attachments of supporting materials throughout this nomination and how they provide evidence of the claims you have made in this nomination (up to 250 words):

    Total 61 words used.

    We are attaching our course catalog, reading program advertisement, media logos, media pack, brochure, student and parent group advertisements and tutoring program advertisement,

    along with links to our main website, which includes our Learning Annex, our radio show page, reading program page, a link to our magazines and comic book, and our team member page with the position each person holds.

  3. Which will you submit for your nomination in this category, a video of up to five (5) minutes in length about the nominated individual, OR an essay of up to 350 words? (Choose one):
    An essay of up to 350 words
  4. If you are submitting a video of up to five (5) minutes in length, provide the URL of the nominated video here, OR attach it to your entry via the "Add Attachments, Videos, or Links to This Entry" link above, through which you may also upload a copy of your video:

    NHEG is an organization filled with not only an all volunteer staff, but also some talented and resourceful thought leaders who want to create change in our world. The organization has grown by leaps and bounds since its creation and continues to do so. Its Founder/Executive Director spearheads the program and is devoted to the cause of education and providing a fair and equal education for everyone willing to work for it. The volunteers, some of whom have been with the organization for years and some for a short time, are talented people filled with ideas that are shared and implemented for the world’s betterment. The organization currently has 90 volunteers from all over the world. The team can be seen by visiting

    NHEG provides fill-in-the-gap tutoring to reach students who have been left behind by traditional schools. It offers classes, an educational magazine that has been viewed over 75,000 times and a comic book. The organization has published two books: Unraveling Reading and Unraveling Science. Both books are part of the Unraveling series, which provides strategies to parents, teachers and tutors to support children’s learning processes. The series will include a book for each subject. One Nonprofit’s Journey to Success, written by an NHEG volunteer, was released worldwide in March 2015 and tells the organization’s story. NHEG’s internet radio show, New Heights Show on Education, has had over 327,000 listens and is on 23 networks and became a syndicated show in 2019. 

    NHEG offers over 160 free and 20 low-cost and high-quality courses on its website, and it makes national and international leadership opportunities available to its students. In 2020, NHEG grew its reach by over 90,000 people. In 2021, through new partnerships with Stack Social, Skillwise, National CSI Camp, Citizen Goods and The Hip Hop Healthy Heart Program for Children and Natural Born Leaders, we have more than tripled our previous course offerings with the over 1,280 free and discounted unique courses mentioned above and another 284 classroom resources for all subject matters. We switched our in-person reading program to an online reading program with the help of one of our partners (The 2nd & 7 Foundation), and it went from a 2-tier to a 5-tier reading program within the last year.

NHEG Education Hero of the Year
PDF Catalog_2022.pdf
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PDF Media_Pack_2021_1.pdf
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PNG tutorfly_ad_second_edition.png
JPG Brochure___inside.jpg
PNG Brochure_2.png
JPG Adult_Advisory_Group_for_print_new.jpg
JPG Student_Advisory_Group_and_Leadership_Council_No_pics_for_print_.jpg
URL NHEG Website
URL Learning Annex
URL Reading Program
URL Our Team
URL Tutoring Program
URL E.A.S.Y.Toons
URL New Heights Show on Education