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The Salvation Army, New York, NY: Guillermo DiCaterina, Head Pastor and leader of The Salvation Army’s Queens Temple Community Center

Company: The Salvation Army, New York, NY
Company Description: The Salvation Army Greater New York Division has been serving New Yorkers since 1880 without discrimination through its food pantries, soup kitchens, shelters, rehabilitation centers, music and arts programs, senior centers, after-school programs, developmental disabilities services homes, HIV services, and summer camp.
Nomination Category: COVID-19 Response Categories
Nomination Sub Category: Delivery Hero of the Year
2022 Stevie Winner Nomination Title: Guillermo DiCaterina

  1. If you are providing an essay of up to 350 words, place it in the following space:

    Total 246 words used.

    Starting in March 2020, Major Guillermo DiCaterina, head pastor and leader of The Salvation Army’s Queens Temple Community Center, has continued to deliver supplies to those in need in his heavily impacted neighborhood of Jackson Heights, Queens. With people afraid to leave their homes at the start of the pandemic, Major DiCaterina transformed his free food pantry to include delivery- personally delivering a supply of groceries to immunocompromised individuals and homebound seniors weekly. Additionally, he made daily deliveries of prepared meals to the doorstep of anyone who was sick or otherwise unable to cook for themselves. With a shortage of masks, his wife Arlene DiCaterina coordinated volunteers to sew over 3,000 masks from fabric scraps, included in distributions. DiCaterina's deliveries served a secondary purpose, providing socially distanced emotional and spiritual support for those struggling with illness or isolation. While continuing their soup kitchen that feeds over 300 people daily, DiCaterina regularly canvassed the neighborhood for people experiencing homelessness to deliver food, water, PPE, and clean clothing such as socks and shirts.  

    When the April 2021 fire occurred at a Jackson Heights apartment building, residents who were not on the lease of their apartment experienced difficulty accessing services. DiCaterina expanded his deliveries to include regular visits to the building to provide food and clothing to anyone in need. While most people are now comfortable going to the Community Center, Major Guillermo DiCaterina continues to deliver food and supplies directly to the homes of anyone who asks. 

  2. Optional: Reference any attachments of supporting materials throughout this nomination and how they provide evidence of the claims you have made in this nomination (up to 250 words):

    Total 49 words used.

    Attached is an official headshot of the Head Pastor and Leader of The Salvation Army's Queens Temple Community Center, Guillermo DiCaterina.
    Also attached is an article about Queens Temple response to the fire in Jackson Heights, where they provided meals, as well as a response to the COVID-19 pandemic

  3. Which will you submit for your nomination in this category, a video of up to five (5) minutes in length about the nominated individual, OR an essay of up to 350 words? (Choose one):
    An essay of up to 350 words
  4. If you are submitting a video of up to five (5) minutes in length, provide the URL of the nominated video here, OR attach it to your entry via the "Add Attachments, Videos, or Links to This Entry" link above, through which you may also upload a copy of your video:
Guillermo DiCaterina
JPG Guillermo_DiCaterina.jpg
URL Salvation Army addresses food insecurity with food drive in Jackson Heights