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Company: PerkettPR, Inc., Boston, MA, Detroit, MI San Francisco, CA
Company Description: PerkettPR is an award-winning public relations firm dedicated to creative and effective communications programs for companies worldwide. Founded in 1998 by Christine Perkett, PerktettPR is made up of an exclusive senior-level staff who provides strategic counsel and preeminent execution of public relations and social media programs that consistently deliver return on investment.
Nomination Category: Corporate Communications, Investor Relations, & Public Relations Categories
Nomination Sub Category: Best Communications, Investor Relations, or PR Executive

Nomination Title: Christine Perkett, Founder and President

  1. Tell the story about what this nominee achieved since January 1 2007 (up to 500 words). Focus on specific accomplishments, and relate these accomplishments to past performance or industry norms. Be sure to mention obstacles overcome, innovations or discoveries made, and outcomes:

    Christine Perkett is an innovator and pioneer in the field of Public Relations. 
    She founded PerkettPR - an all-virtual, all senior-level PR firm in 1998. She
    celebrates the agency’s 10th year with year-over-year consecutive growth and a
    banner 2007 - doubling the firm’s client and employee base. Today, PerkettPR
    employs 30 executives across nine states, and services clients across multiple
    industries including tech and healthcare.

    The PR industry is at a crossroads. Many think that social media is making it
    obsolete. Christine has embraced social media in the last year – creating a
    completely new program practice for PerkettPR in Social Media, hiring a Social
    Media Director and participating herself – the best way to teach her staff and
    clients - by creating the firm’s blog; PerkettPRsuasion, a corporate presence
    on Facebook, Flickr and YouTube Channel; and building a massive Twitter
    following for herself (@missusP) and the firm (@PerkettPR). In addition,
    PerkettPR was the first PR firm to plan and promote one of the infamous
    TechCrunch MeetUps for Boston – the “be all and end all” of tech networking
    events traditionally held in Silicon Valley.

    Christine has been touted as one of the early adopters and innovators in
    providing clients with senior-level counsel and execution for how to
    effectively leverage social media to improve their business. In addition to
    running her company blog and two personal blogs (one that follows her marathon
    training with her husband for the Dublin Marathon in October 2008), Perkett is
    also a Blogger for (run by Tory Johnson, the Workplace
    Contributor on ABC’s Good Morning America) and has been a guest-blogger for
    PRWeek and She is also a published author in "Inside the
    Minds: Public Relations Best Practices" by Aspatore Books and was profiled in
    the "Entrepreneurial Small Business" college text book by McGraw Hill (January

    Christine also trains clients on proper messaging and interview techniques and
    can be seen here hosting video interviews herself with Web2.0 movers and
    shakers at the latest TechCrunch MeetUp event in Los Angeles.

    Christine’s dedication to a healthy work environment and a champion for women
    in business, which is reflected in unique benefits such as 40 hours of paid
    volunteer time off and paid maternity and paternity leave, flex time and more.
    Because of such efforts PerkettPR was named one of the Best Places to Work by
    the PR industry publication, The Holmes Report.

    An economic recession has been looming and with a possible ‘bubble burst’ on
    the way, Christine continues to lead PerkettPR in a new direction with new
    programs and global expansion – adding clients in Oslo, Norway and London, UK,
    for example. Winning key accounts over several, much larger, firms, PerkettPR
    has added publicly-traded companies such as Constant Contact, industry
    innovators like Sermo and hot Web 2.0 start ups like Wavemark, Moola, Mzinga
    and Sosius. Innovation is PerkettPR’s badge and helped not only win the Sermo
    account over PR firms with healthcare divisions (when PerkettPR had none), but
    also resulted in the "Media Brand of the Year" honor for Sermo by Medical
    Marketing and News, as a result of PerkettPR's compelling public relations

    Perkett serves on the Board as a Vice President for Boston’s Business Marketing
    Association and sits on the Board of Directors for the Norwell Visiting Nurses
    Association in Norwell, Mass.

    It’s probably worthy to note that Christine founded the company and continues
    to run it with no outside funding and with no debt.

  2. List hyperlinks to any online news stories, press releases, or other documents that support the claims made in the section above. IMPORTANT: Begin each link with http://, and enclose each link in square brackets; for example, []:

    PerkettPR News:

    Christine Perkett Blogging Contributions to the Virtual PR Model and Social
    Media Prowess:

    Industry accolades:

    PerkettPR social media - where to find us:

  3. Provide a brief (up to 100 words) biography about the nominee:

    Perkett founded PerkettPR on the heels of a diversified career in corporate and 
    agency public relations in the high technology and non-profit arenas. Perkett
    oversees strategic planning and tactical execution of communications programs
    for international clients, as well as overall business operations including new
    business, staff management and company vision and growth. She holds expertise
    in high-technology media and promotion of early stage, venture backed companies
    and has extensive experience in public relations, social media, marketing
    communications, media relations, promotional writing and strategic positioning.
    She has been featured in publications like the Boston Business Journal,
    Entrepreneur, Incentive, PR Week, and Women's Business.