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MWW Group

Company: MWW Group
Company Description: MWW Group is one of the nation’s top ten public relations agencies and is known for its results-driven approach to public relations. The agency is nationally recognized for its work in consumer marketing, corporate communications, investor relations, public affairs and government relations, technology and healthcare.
Nomination Category: Corporate Communications, Investor Relations, & Public Relations Categories
Nomination Sub Category: Best Public Relations Agency

Nomination Title: MWW Group: Innovate. Inspire. LEAD.


  1. Tell the story about what this nominated agency achieved since January 1 2007 (up to 500 words). Focus on specific accomplishments, and relate these accomplishments to past performance or industry norms. Be sure to mention obstacles overcome, innovations or discoveries made, and outcomes:

    MWW Group began 2007 with a three word challenge: Innovate. Inspire. LEAD. This 
    challenge was the agency’s rallying cry and served as the litmus test for all
    our client initiatives: Are they innovative? Do they inspire action? Do they
    help our clients LEAD? The agency has far surpassed this challenge, not only
    with its game-changing work for some of biggest and most respected brands in
    the world, but by never sacrificing the passion, flexibility and sense of
    urgency that our clients demand and deserve.

    Throughout 2007, MWW Group introduced new practice areas, grew our existing
    line-up of services and also built strategic partnerships to provide even more
    value to our clients. These include:
    • The launch of Studio MWW, a visual branding practice that works with
    clients to identify visual and messaging elements that will differentiate their
    brands in the marketplace.
    • Significant growth of our sustainable technologies practice with new
    clients, such as Sun Microsystems, iGPS, New Jersey’s CleanPower Choice and
    • Integration of digital media strategies, through our DialogueMedia
    practice, into nearly all of our consumer marketing and corporate
    communications programs. Successes included launching Nikon’s D80 blogger
    program and Samsung’s online brand ambassador campaign.
    • New partnerships with Deutsch, Inc. (expand advertising services), Bell-
    Pottinger Group (extend international reach) and integrating our Financial
    Relations Board division to provide comprehensive IR services forclients.

    Perhaps nothing personifies the MWW Group spirit more than our $1 million
    donation to the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) with a pro-bono media relations
    and marketing campaign for Sabin Vaccine Institute, which fights neglected
    tropical diseases (NTDs) globally. The campaign has led to a $350 million
    commitment over the next five years toward NTD control from President Bush -
    exceeding funding goals by 1,400 percent, as well as nearly 25 million media
    impressions in a variety of top-tier media.

    MWW Group achieved stand-out results for our existing clients in 2007, from
    building a legacy for the
    Chairman of Deloitte & Touche to gaining a 40.5 percent increase in stock price
    for Respironics to achieving the No. 1 market position for Nikon in the
    competitive digital SLR camera market. We’re extremely proud of the fact that
    more than a quarter of MWW Group’s clients have been with the firm for more
    than five years (and several have remained with us since our founding). And
    with more than 85 new clients added to our roster, including
    Anheuser-Busch, Dubai Aerospace Enterprise, Iceland, Naturally, ING Direct,
    Medco Health Solutions, National Hemophilia Foundation, Target, Under Armour
    and more, MWW Group has experienced a 13 percent increase in top line growth,
    20 percent organic growth and record net revenues of more than $48 million.

    Throughout our evolution from a one-man shop to an international organization,
    MWW Group has always looked to our clients' satisfaction as the most important
    measure of success. When clients like ING Direct say, “MWW Group knows what a
    client needs, rather than just what a client wants. That kind of chemistry is
    invaluable,” we know we're exceeding client expectations. This is what drives
    us every day at MWW Group, and the reason we will continue to innovate, inspire
    and LEAD.

  2. List hyperlinks to any online news stories, press releases, or other documents that support the claims made in the section above. IMPORTANT: Begin each link with http://, and enclose each link in square brackets; for example, [http://www.youraddress.com]:


  3. Provide a brief (up to 100 words) biography about the leader of this agency:

    Michael W. Kempner is the founder, President and Chief Executive Officer of MWW 
    Group. In addition to running the agency as a whole, Mr. Kempner plays an
    active role in many of the firm’s accounts and will play an active role in the
    strategic and creative development of the Estee Lauder business. Mr. Kempner’s
    expertise includes crisis communications, consumer lifestyle marketing and
    public and government affairs. He was named PR Professional of the Year in 2007
    by PR Week, and PR Professional of the Year in 2005 by PRNews, the same year in
    which he received a Lifetime Achievement Award from PR News.