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John Hancock Signature Services - John Hatch

Company: John Hancock Signature Services, Inc. Boston, MA
Company Description: JHSS is an organization of approximately 200 associates with a culture built from three core values which are critical to our success; Our Customers, Our Associates and Our Company.
Nomination Category: Management Categories
Nomination Sub Category: Best Executive - Financial Services

Nomination Title: John R. Hatch - President and CEO, JHSS


  1. Tell the story about what this nominee achieved since January 1 2007 (up to 500 words). Focus on specific accomplishments, and relate these accomplishments to past performance or industry norms. Be sure to mention obstacles overcome, innovations or discoveries made, and outcomes:

    John Hancock has undergone significant growth over the past 5 years.  This 
    global expansion produced challenges in the customer service call centers and
    affected our ability to provide a consistent customer service experience. Our
    parent organization, Manulife Financial, is a firm believer in a decentralized
    approach to organizational structure. While this model cultivates expertise
    within each product; the loss of workplace collaboration can also present

    In 2007, senior management within John Hancock recognized that this approach
    may not be ideal for its wealth management call centers. They recognized that
    the customer experience in regard to quality and service levels was not
    consistent between the mutual fund and annuity call centers. There was a clear
    opportunity for collaboration. Management was committed to delivering a
    consistent voice and “signature” to all of its customers regardless of which
    call center they were contacting.

    A decision was made to reorganize the mutual fund and annuity call centers
    under the sole direction of John Hatch. As President and CEO of JHSS, John’s
    demonstrated success within the mutual fund organization convinced senior
    management that John was up to the task. John’s results-oriented management
    style along with his frequently spoken philosophy that “the collective ideas of
    all are better than the great idea of one” made him a perfect individual to
    drive this collaboration effort.

    The transformation started with a new culture based around increased
    efficiency, associate accountability and creativity. The reorganization was
    effective in April 2007. The results were immediate.

    Service levels improved by 36% as a result of:
    • Creation of staffing models and forecasting tools for a proactive approach to
    • Utilization of part-time professional staff for high call volume intervals.
    • Redesigned call flows to provide efficient access to the customer service

    Productivity results improved by 15% as a result of:
    • Implementation of dual monitors for increased efficiency.
    • Elimination of breaks to simplify staff scheduling.
    • Average-handle-time reductions.

    Roles and responsibilities were redefined around increased accountability:
    • Management-level working groups were formed to ensure continual emphasis on
    newly-defined goals.
    • Call Technician role implemented to manage staffing, scheduling, forecasting
    and reporting.
    • Quality Assurance roles implemented to build performance measurements,
    accountability and coaching.

    Associate-level accountability was built through:
    • Implementation of new call center reporting to track key performance
    • Implementation of a performance management plan for employees for increased
    accountability and a consistent management approach.

    A culture built around quality was cultivated by:
    • Creation of employee recognition programs to recognize high performers.
    • Increased emphasis on call monitoring feedback and coaching.
    • Redesign of the new hire training program to incorporate role-playing into
    their technical learning.
    • Contracting a third party quality evaluation company to obtain key quality
    benchmark data.

    John’s belief in open and honest communication has generated a higher degree of
    trust, loyalty and responsibility within the Annuity call center. Through
    John’s sense of accountability and strong execution skills, the call center was
    able to quickly and eagerly respond to these changes.

  2. List hyperlinks to any online news stories, press releases, or other documents that support the claims made in the section above. IMPORTANT: Begin each link with http://, and enclose each link in square brackets; for example, []:

  3. Provide a brief (up to 100 words) biography about the nominee:

    John R. Hatch is President and CEO of JHSS.  Mr. Hatch has overall 
    responsibility for the mutual fund transfer agency and annuity call center. Mr.
    Hatch served as Vice President of sales for John Hancock Insurance Services,
    which included responsibility for sales and operations.

    Previously, Mr. Hatch was Vice President of annuity operations at Mass Mutual
    Life Insurance Company overseeing customer service and administration functions
    for all distribution channels.

    Other professional experience includes: principal consultant in the investment
    management and securities operations area of Price Waterhouse; director of
    corporate treasury for Liberty Securities Corporation; control manager for
    Colonial Investors Services.