Refinery - Campbells
Company: Refinery, Inc., Hatboro, PA
Company Description: Refinery is an Ad Age Top 30 interactive and search marketing agency located in suburban Philadelphia. Refinery’s practice areas include financial services, pharmaceutical and healthcare, consumer and retail, travel and entertainment and government. Our areas of expertise include strategic consulting, user experience architecture, creative, search engine marketing, technology and analytics.
Nomination Category: Web Sites
Nomination Sub Category: Brand Building/Promotion
Nomination Title: Campbell Soup Company's Web Site
1. When was this web site first published?
June 20, 2005
2. Briefly describe this entry’s communications objectives and how it met those objectives. Include here the URL of the nominated web site. (up to 100 words):
Campbell Soup Company wanted to redesign their corporate site to house the brand’s five distinct, flagship websites, which consisted of:,,, and each site has a unique focus, and in some cases a unique target audience, the sites were cross-utilized to offer an improved experienced for the company and its users. By providing a clear, cohesive brand impression and enabling visitors to move with ease among the five distinct sites, Campbell is now better able to tell the full, cohesive story.
3. List the appropriate creative and production credits for this entry:
Account Executive, Martina Steen
Project Manager, Matt Cartwright
Software Engineer, Mark Weidner