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Company: Intelius, Inc, Bellevue, Washington
Company Description: Intelius, Inc is a leading provider of online tools for personal safety, including background checks, people search, and an award-winning identity theft detection, prevention and insurance service. Intelius is committed to offering consumers the instant, accurate information they need to make informed, intelligent decisions for personal safety with peace of mind.
Nomination Category: Company, Office & Product Awards Categories
Nomination Sub Category: Best New Company

Nomination Title: Intelius, Inc

   1. Tell the story about what this nominated company achieved in the past year (up to 500 words). Focus on specific accomplishments, and relate these accomplishments to past performance or industry norms. Be sure to mention obstacles overcome, innovations or discoveries made, and outcomes:

Intelius, Inc. was founded on a vision of information commerce—an environmentwhere anyone anywhere can locate and purchase critical public informationonline. Intelius recognized the need for consumers and businesses to access thisinformation for protection, to assist in making informed decisions and toreconnect. Intelius helps parents screen adults in their children’s lives toensure they do not present a danger. The company also helps homeowners check thecredibility of a contractor to avoid fraud, employers verify a job candidate’sbackground, and veterans reconnect with long lost military buddies. 

With the consumer in mind, Intelius also developed technology to monitor andsearch billions of public records in real time, providing accurate, affordableand timely results. With the largest database of records, and exclusivepartnerships with companies including Yahoo! and AOL, Intelius established athriving market online. Proof of Intelius’ success lies in the more than 2.96million unique, paying customers Intelius has served to date, and the 1 millionunique visitors to the site daily. 

Intelius creates products and resources to bring security and personal safety toconsumers. In addition to enabling background, criminal and people searches,Intelius launched a comprehensive identity theft detection and preventionproduct to safeguard consumers from America’s fastest growing crime. By usingdatabases of information to help consumers guard their identities, homes andfamilies, Intelius is shaping the way information is utilized to provide anadded layer of safety and peace of mind. This year, the WSA selected Intelius’IDWatch as the 2006 Consumer Product of the Year.

A cornerstone of Intelius’ business is creating services that address consumersafety issues by providing easy access to critical information. Intelius is theonly company offering such a range of critical tools for consumer and businessprotection through the use of public and publicly available information. Thesebreakthrough services combined with the company’s constant innovation andunmatched access to the most accurate and current data ensures its long-termvalue to customers. 

In addition to offering innovative products and services, Intelius recognizesthe importance of customer service support. Consumers can contact Intelius’assisted search specialists for help in interpreting or locating information. 

At its root, Intelius is committed to improving lives, building trust, andenabling intelligent decision-making through information. By ensuring itprovides the most accurate information and its products fulfill consumer needsat a reasonable cost, Intelius will continue to grow as leader in info-commerce.

Intelius has cornered the information commerce and ID theft prevention markets.The company’s customer base has grown 762 percent since 2003, a powerfulindicator of the success and widespread adoption of its products and services.Further evidence of its steady growth and success lies in Intelius’ revenueincrease from $5 million to $44 million in less than three years of bootstrappedbusiness. With ownership of more than 50 percent of the online people searchmarket and ranking among the top 100 commerce sites on the Internet, Inteliushas proven to be a competitive leader in a burgeoning industry.

   2. List hyperlinks to any online news stories, press releases, or other documents that support the claims made in the section above. IMPORTANT: Begin each link with http://, and enclose each link in square brackets; for example, []:

   3. Provide a brief (up to 100 words) biography about the leader of this nominated company:

Naveen Jain’s push for innovation has driven Intelius to consistently emergewith products offering information to consumers for personal safety. Intelius’revenues have grown from $5 million in 2003 to more than $40 million in 2006under his leadership.  Jain believes Intelius can continue to leverage theInternet as a medium through which to provide consumers with the informationthey need for greater peace of mind in making everyday decisions. Prior toIntelius, Jain was senior executive at Microsoft before moving on to foundInfoSpace in 1996, where he drove 24 acquisitions and was its Chairman & CEOuntil 2002.