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WebFX, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, United States

Company: WebFX
Company Description: WebFX is a full-service digital marketing company that's been delivering marketing results for more than 2 decades. In the past 5 years alone, we've driven more than $6 billion in revenue and more than 7.8 million leads for our clients. Our 50+ digital marketing strategies paired with our proprietary marketing software, MarketingCloudFX, create the perfect lead-driving machine for clients.
Nomination Category: New Product & Service Categories - Business Technology
Nomination Sub Category: Customer Data Platform
2024 Stevie Winner Nomination Title: WebFX's Customer360FX: Delivering a 20% Higher Marketing ROI
  1. Which will you submit for your nomination in this category, a video of up to five (5) minutes in length about the nominated new or new-version product or service, OR written answers to the questions for this category? (Choose one):
    Written answers to the questions
  2. If you are submitting a video of up to five (5) minutes in length, provide the URL of the nominated video here, OR attach it to your entry via the "Add Attachments, Videos, or Links to This Entry" link above, through which you may also upload a copy of your video.


  3. If you are providing written answers for your submission, you must provide an answer to this first question: If this is a brand-new product, state the date on which it was released. If this is a new version of an existing product, state the date on which the update was released:

    New version of an existing solution: January 2024

  4. If you are providing written answers for your submission, you must provide an answer to this second question: Describe the features, functions, and benefits of the nominated product or service (up to 350 words):

    Total 287 words used.

    Meet Customer360FX — the customer data platform (CDP) that delivers a 20% higher return on investment for marketers by:

    1. Offering access to previously cost-prohibitive tech
    2. Streamlining time to value (TTV) with hands-free setup
    3. Fueling strategic marketing decisions with unified datasets

    Since its launch, WebFX’s CDP has helped organizations solve timeless — and timely — challenges like:



    Rising martech costs

    Your average CDP is $5,000 per month. Customer360FX isn’t. Access starts at $675 per month, and includes 20+ additional tools, like:

    • CRM
    • Call tracker
    • Data enrichment
    • Email management

    This affordability allows SMBs to experience the power of a full-fledged CDP.

    Delayed time to value

    A CDP can take up to three months to deploy — WebFX does it in 30 days. With a faster setup, businesses can achieve TTV sooner by:

    • Automated audience segments
    • Improved data insights
    • Expanded pipelines via data enrichment

    Disconnected marketing data

    Your data is more powerful together, and Customer360FX makes data unification easy with 100+ integrations for:

    • CRMs
    • ERPs
    • Call trackers
    • Booking tools
    • Form builders
    • And more

    Diverse skill sets

    From marketing to sales to technology, there is more to being a T-shaped marketer today, which is why WebFX’s CDP includes access to:

    • Data architects
    • Specialized marketers
    • Developers
    • And more 

    Divisions between marketing and sales

    Erase the silo between marketing and sales. Customer360FX integrates with the most popular and industry-specific CRMs so businesses can:

    • Drive more leads
    • Improve cross-team communications
    • Close more sales

    Fewer third-party data sources

    Capture, enrich, and activate first-party data with Customer360FX, which supplies demographic and firmographic data so companies can:

    • Launch remarketing campaigns
    • Build email drip sequences
    • Personalize website experiences
    Customer360FX is unique in the CDP space because it does what a CDP should, and then some. 
  5. If you are providing written answers for your submission, you must provide an answer to this third question: Outline the market performance, critical reception, and customer satisfaction with the product or service to date. State monetary or unit sales figures to date, if possible, and how they compare to expectations or past performance. Provide links to laudatory product or service reviews. Include some customer testimonials, if applicable (up to 350 words):

    Total 193 words used.

    Since its launch, Customer360FX has:

    • Onboarded hundreds of users
    • Averaged a 20% increase in ROI for users
    • Contributed to WebFX generating over $6 billion in revenue for its clients
    • Contributed to WebFX generating over 7.8 million qualified leads for its clients

    Businesses have used Customer360FX to launch successful initiatives for:

    • Personalization
    • Remarketing
    • Email marketing
    • Lead nurturing
    • And more

    A few examples of how Customer360FX has impacted our clients and their businesses include:




    57% increase YoY in revenue from organic search


    25% increase YoY in organic leads


    260% increase in organic revenue

    Home services

    670% increase in paid leads

    Reviews and testimonials from our clients include:
    1. "The Customer Data Platform is a fantastic tool that allows us to track all the tasks, communications and results of all the activities being performed." - Small Business
    2. We can see directly where leads are coming from so we can adequately track them in our CRM and see how our marketing budget is working." - Construction Company
    3. “Having everything done in one central place makes it easy to go and grab any sort of assets or data” - Small Business
  6. You have the option to answer this final question: Reference any attachments of supporting materials throughout this nomination and how they provide evidence of the claims you have made in this nomination (up to 250 words):

    Total 79 words used.

    For more information on our CDP, Customer360FX, please visit:

    For more information on our provided reviews, case studies, and performance, please visit:


WebFX's Customer360FX: Delivering a 20% Higher Marketing ROI
MP4 About_MarketingCloudFX.mp4
MP4 About_WebFX.mp4