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Company: Valpak, Largo, FL
Company Description: Valpak is one of the leading direct marketing companies in North America and delivers savings to over 45 million households each month throughout the United States and Canada. Annually, Valpak distributes some 20 billion offers inserted in nearly 530 million envelopes. Valpak is a subsidiary of Atlanta-based Cox Enterprises, one of the largest media companies in the United States.
Nomination Category: Management Categories
Nomination Sub Category: Best Executive - Media & Entertainment

Nomination Title: Bill Disbrow, CEO, Valpak Direct Marketing

  1. Tell the story about what this nominee achieved since January 1 2007 (up to 500 words). Focus on specific accomplishments, and relate these accomplishments to past performance or industry norms. Be sure to mention obstacles overcome, innovations or discoveries made, and outcomes:

    “We believe we can shape a better world through responsible corporate 
    citizenship. We’ve made our community and our people a top priority in our
    corporate guiding principles. It’s a good way to do business.”
    -Bill Disbrow, CEO Valpak

    Since becoming CEO in the mid 1990’s, Bill Disbrow has grown Valpak into one
    of the leading direct marketers in North America. As a result of his
    leadership, Valpak’s overall growth has exceeded twice the direct mail
    industry average.

    Bill is a tireless champion of change and innovation, inspiring the
    organization to constantly evolve to remain an industry leader. In 2004, Bill
    announced a strategic initiative to re-engineer the entire manufacturing
    process and revolutionize how the company does business – the result of that
    plan was realized in 2007.

    Bill’s vision to consolidate Valpak’s production plants in Florida and North
    Carolina into a new $220 million, state-of-the-art production facility
    spanning some 470,000 square feet under one roof was realized after three
    years of construction. Today, the new Valpak Manufacturing Center, located in
    St. Petersburg, Fla. is a reality and being hailed by industry authorities as
    one of the most automated and advanced print and distribution centers in the

    Constructing this new facility posed significant challenges which Bill
    overcame by adhering to the company’s guiding principles of making a positive
    impact in the communities we serve and encouraging the success of employees.

    To operate the new facility, employees needed extensive skills training.
    While in-depth technical training was needed for the new equipment, the
    technology required employees to communicate in English to safely operate the
    equipment. There are 17 languages spoken among Valpak employees, but rather
    than hire a new workforce, Bill championed a program to provide free skills
    training that included English, reading comprehension, and mathematics.
    Hundreds graduated from the program and have established promising careers at
    the new facility – many of them in leadership positions.

    Another challenge was the closure of the Elm City, NC production facility. A
    plant closure in the small community near Raleigh and the resulting loss of
    400 jobs, would have been devastating to the local economy. Instead of closing
    the plant and laying off the workers, Bill commissioned a team to find a buyer
    that would not only purchase the building, but also retain the employees. In
    late 2006, an agreement was struck with a Minnesota company that will not only
    employ the workers, but plans to increase staffing in the location by some 100
    additional jobs. This contract will be completed during the 4th quarter of

    Thanks to Bill’s leadership and vision throughout 2007, Valpak is now
    completing its revolution on the eve of its 40th anniversary in 2008. Making
    the well-being of employees and the local community a top priority continues
    to be a cornerstone to making Valpak’s revolution a success. Bill has provided
    the leadership to not only position the company as a role model for corporate
    responsibility, but to do so while bolstering the financial health of the

  2. ist hyperlinks to any online news stories, press releases, or other documents that support the claims made in the section above. IMPORTANT: Begin each link with http://, and enclose each link in square brackets; for example, []:

    Smart Business Magazine - Feature News Article


  3. Provide a brief (up to 100 words) biography about the nominee:

    Bill Disbrow has been with Valpak, one of North America’s leading direct 
    marketers, since 1991. As CEO, he is responsible for setting strategic
    direction for the company and the 200 franchise offices throughout North
    America. He holds a BBA in accounting from Georgia State University and is a
    certified CPA. He and his wife Sallie have two boys, Alex and Jackson.