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Soteria Systems

ABA11 Winner / How to Enter

Company: Akavit, Denver, CO
Entry Submitted By: Pitch110
Company Description: Akavit is a digital & mobile marketing agency dedicated to designing & engineering innovative solutions that maximize the effectiveness of a company’s online presence and social marketing campaigns. With expertise spanning from interactive strategy to enterprise level integrations, Akavit has helped brands such as U.S. Bank and Denver Broncos achieve their online goals.
Nomination Category: New Product Awards & Product Management Categories
Nomination Sub Category: New Product or Service of the Year - Computer Software - New Desktop/End-User Software

Nomination Title: Soteria Systems' FORSSE™ Mobile App

    Tell the story about this nominated product or service (up to 500 words). Describe its function, features, benefits, and sales to date. You may include hyperlinks to product photos and data sheets. IMPORTANT: Begin each link with http://, and enclose each link in square brackets; for example, []: Located in Denver, Soteria Systems, LLC develops high-performing, technology services designed to promote the safety and well-being of individuals and their communities. They turned to Akavit, a leading interactive agency and web technology company, to help them build their mobile phone application, called FORSSE™, for Android™ smartphones. FORSSE transforms your mobile device into a real-time, monitored and concealed personal alarm service for those situations when your safety is a concern. If you trigger
the alert on your mobile phone, Soteria’s nationwide 24/7 monitoring service is able to verify the crisis, obtain information, track the location and assist authorities in the crisis resolution. Akavit's mobile applications engineering team successfully delivered the new FORSSE Android application, which interfaces with Soteria Systems’ powerful monitoring platform, and launched it on the Droid marketplace. The Akavit mobile team who led the project included Gary Clift - technical architecture and development and Tony Pett - account and project

    List hyperlinks to any online news stories, press releases, product reviews, or other documents that support the claims made in the section above. IMPORTANT: Begin each link with http://, and enclose each link in square brackets; for example, []:  FORSSE in the News

        We are beginning to attract the spotlight through influential writers in the
space such as Hiawatha Bray at the Boston Globe, the Gadget Guy, and Chip Chick
(technology news for women). Also, we are getting great press at colleges and
universities such as Baylor University and University of Utah.

        Also seen in:, Yahoo Finance, MarketWatch, Channel 4, and RCR
Wireless. Press Releases

        NOVEMBER 2010– As real estate professionals from around the world gather at the
National Association of Realtors Conference and Expo in New Orleans, Soteria
Systems, LLC hopes to capture their attention with a breakthrough mobile
personal safety system, FORSSE™ (pronounced FORCE) at Morial Convention Center,
Booth# 1101.

        SEPTEMBER 2010 - Charlie Groves addresses DemoGala 2010 audience on bringing new
technology to market.

        SEPTEMBER 2010 - Introducing Forsse: A Breakthrough Android App For Personal
Safety - Get the right information to the right emergency response team - fast.

        SEPTEMBER 2010 - FORSSE™ Sponsors Girls Fight Back! Fall 2010 Tour - Soteria
Systems, LLC, the developers of FORSSE, the premiere personal safety system for
GPS enabled phones, is a proud sponsor of the Girls Fight Back! Fall 2010 Tour.

        JULY 2010 - Soteria Systems Appoints Advisory Board - Soteria Systems, LLC, the
premiere personal safety system for GPS enabled phones, announced the...

Provide a brief (up to 100 words) biography about the leader(s) of the team that developed this nominated product or service:

        Charlie Groves and Brad Zotti, Co-Founders at Soteria Systems, LLC

        Charlie Groves and Brad Zotti have more than 20 years of business experience and
expertise in corporate legal matters, executive leadership, financial
management, strategic planning, sales, and relationship management. As founders
of a Denver-based technology company, Soteria Systems, their goal is to create
products and services that promote the well-being of individuals and to create a
company culture that inspires individuals to contribute their full range of
skills and talents through a collaborative process to ensure the success of
Soteria's mission.