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ABA11 Winner / How to Enter

Company:, Redwood City, CA
Entry Submitted By: SHIFT Communications
Company Description: is a pioneer and global leader in the emerging field of online reputation and privacy management. helps prevent Internet stalking, identity theft/impersonation and other online threats through its technology, allowing people from professionals to parents the ability to monitor and manage what is said and found online.
Nomination Category: New Product Awards & Product Management Categories
Nomination Sub Category: Product Development/Management Executive of the Year

Nomination Title: Michael Fertik, CEO

    Tell the story about what this nominee achieved since January 1 2010 (up to 500 words). Focus on specific accomplishments, and relate these accomplishments to past performance or industry norms. Be sure to mention obstacles overcome, innovations or discoveries made, and outcomes:

        Michael Fertik is an Internet entrepreneur and CEO of ReputationDefender with a
background in law. His extensive experience in technology and the legal field
encouraged him to uncover a solution to help customers control, manage and
protect their online reputations and privacy. Michael is regarded as the pioneer
of online reputation management due to his efforts to inform the public about
cyberspace safety and his role in actively creating solutions to assist in this
era of digital self-definition. His passion for the Internet led him to
co-author the bestselling book, Wild West 2.0, which provides preventive
strategies for general consumers to build and maintain a storm-proof online

        Michael recently led his company, ReputationDefender, to its acceptance of the
2011 World Economic Forum Technology Pioneer Award. The company was selected for
its leadership and technical innovation in addressing issues surrounding online
reputation and privacy.

        Michael has lectured internationally in front of audiences ranging from
professionals to parents, always with a captivating stage presence largely due
to his passion about the subject. He was invited to speak at the 32nd Annual
International Conference of Privacy and Data Protection Commissioners in
Jerusalem, Israel, this October and will also be speaking at RSA Conference in
San Francisco in February. In August, Michael attended the Pii 2010 Conference
where he was asked to do a one-on-one interview with Larry Magid. In addition to
public speaking opportunities, his efforts to educate the public have landed him
on national broadcast programs including “Dr. Phil,” the “Today Show,” “Good
Morning America,” the CBS “Early Show” and “20/20.”

        Michael also serves on the advisory board of The Internet Keep Safe Coalition
(iKeepSafe), a non-profit that works to protect the health and safety of youth
online.  Michael recently started blogging for the Harvard Business Review,
focusing on the repercussions of using the Internet without understanding the
concept of “online footprints.” Additionally, Michael was included as one of the
“Web’s foremost cyberthinkers” in a New York Times Sunday Magazine cover
article, “The Web Means the End of Forgetting” that included a Q&A section which
allowed the public to ask Michael questions regarding their online privacy.

        Michael built ReputationDefender to provide consumers with the tools necessary
to manage what’s shared about them online and also to provide awareness of how
one’s online persona can critically alter one’s perception in the real world.
Professionals, parents, teachers, college applicants, job seekers and employers
have raised legitimate concerns about their privacy online and how to defend
their name in an age where increased suppliers thrive with personal information
and there’s a blurred line between one’s personal and professional life.
Michael strongly believes that all consumers should have the right to control
their online identities and should not be held hostage to outdated, and
sometimes incorrect, information that Web searches generate. Through introducing
various ReputationDefender products, Michael continues to combat the dangers
online on behalf of consumers.

    List hyperlinks to any online news stories, press releases, or other documents that support the claims made in the section above. IMPORTANT: Begin each link with http://, and enclose each link in square brackets; for example, []:

        The New York Times: The Web Means The End Of Forgetting:

        Bloomberg BusinessWeek: Managing Older Managers: A Guide For Younger Bosses:

        VentureBeat: ReputationDefender raises $15M to champion privacy on the web:

        WIRED: Delete Your Bad Web Rep:

        FOX Business: Michael Fertik Talks Online Reputation Management:

        Wall Street Journal Digits: Online Privacy Protection Wins Investor Backing:

        Fox & Friends: ReputationDefender CEO Michael Fertik Talks Reputation Management
And Wild West 2.0:

        Rachael Ray Show: ReputationDefender Recommended:

        BBC America: A Law to Protect Against Identity Theft Online:   

    Provide a brief (up to 100 words) biography about the nominee:

        Michael Fertik founded ReputationDefender in 2006 with the belief that citizens
have the right to control and protect their online reputation and privacy.
Michael has earned international acclaim and honors for his work advancing the
field: He is a member of the World Economic Forum Agenda Council on Internet
Security, a post secured after leading ReputationDefender in the award as 2011
World Economic Forum Technology Pioneer. Michael is also on the advisory board
of the Internet Keep Safe Coalition (iKeepSafe). Michael is co-author of the
bestselling book, "Wild West 2.0" and is a regular guest blogger at Harvard
Business Review (HBR).