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Pritzker Archives & Memorial Park Center, Somers, WI: Groundbreaking Video

Company: TAWANI Enterprises, Chicago, IL
Company Description: A visionary umbrella organization with an entrepreneurial outlook, TAWANI Enterprises is focused on connecting people to the history in their midst and creating opportunities for growth and knowledge to help forge stronger, healthier communities. TAWANI Enterprises manages a portfolio of startup and mature innovative businesses in various industries; and not-for-profit interests.
Nomination Category: Video Categories
Nomination Sub Category: Events & Live Webcasts
2022 Stevie Winner Nomination Title: PAMPC Groundbreaking Video

  1. The date on which this nominated production was first distributed or otherwise made public:

    October 21, 2020

  2. Briefly describe this entry’s communications objectives and how it met those objectives (up to 200 words):

    Total 186 words used.

    The video was created as part of a three-part virtual groundbreaking campaign for the new Pritzker Military Archives Center being built in Somers, WI. Because it was the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, we created a community doorstep engagement campaign that culminated with this video in lieu of an in-person groundbreaking celebration. The video's purpose was to generate excitement throughout the community by sharing more about the vision for the project, the passion behind the development, and our excitement to be a part of the Somers community. 

    To create this video we interviewed key stakeholders, including community leaders, area veterans, the architectural design team, and our own Pritzker Military Archives Center leadership. We filmed the location via drones and on the ground and presented all architecture renderings and design to date. The video received 362 views, press coverage from both the Kenosha county and Milwaukee, WI areas and Chicago, IL, and the community reached out to us with excitement about the project. By engaging the community in our creative process for this video, we cultivated a strong partnership with the community and support for the development.

  3. Optionally you may list the creative and production credits for your nominated production - the people who helped to bring it to life: Advertising Agency/City: Client: Art Director: Cinematographer: Creative Director: Designer: Director: Illustrator/City: Music Producer/City: Photographer/City: Printer/City: Producer: Production Company/City: Programmer: Writer: Web Development Firm/City:
    TAWANI Enterprises, Inc. Marketing & Communication department

    Pritzker Military Museum & Library

    Winger Marketing

    Delack Media Group

PAMPC Groundbreaking Video