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Praxis AI, Sacramento, California, United States: Praxis AI Faculty Content and Conversational Assessment makes the promise of AI in the classroom come true!

Company: Praxis AI, Sacramento, CA
Company Description: Praxis AI solutions accomplish sustained personal and global change by empowering underserved students (HBCU and AIHEC, for example) with experiential online science education and data-intensive research. Powered by Pria, our AI Mentor, we provide a powerful student-centered, bias-free and hallucination-free AI experience for learners and free faculty to provide the support students need.
Nomination Category: Web Achievement - Specialty
Nomination Sub Category: Technical Achievement of the Year
2024 Stevie Winner Nomination Title: Praxis AI Faculty Content and Conversational Assessment makes the promise of AI in the classroom come true!
  1. If you are providing a written essay of up to 525 words about your nominated web achievement(s), provide it in this space:

    Total 425 words used.

    The greatest downsides to AI in the digital classroom are bias, hallucinations and
    incorrect information. Education is rooted in the truth and the search for it. Thus, the
    power of AI to level the playing field for the underserved, to support learners at the
    moment of need and to help overworked teachers to scale themselves to the needs of
    students has largely gone under-utilized. We believe our recent technical achievements
    in web support for AI solve this important challenge.
    With the help of our partners, Amazon Web Services, Praxis AI engineers devised a
    RAG-based innovation that helps Praxis AI bring the promise of AI in education to
    fruition. Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) is a natural language processing (NLP)
    technique that brings personalization and relevance to web-based AI interactions. Using
    RAG, generative artificial intelligence (generative AI) is conditioned on specific
    documents that are retrieved from a dataset. This allows Praxis AI customers to ingest
    entire Canvas courses into RAG using an IMSCC import, the standard content format
    for exporting and importing online courses.
    In completing the Faculty Content project, our AI Mentor, "Pria," now prioritizes her
    search for answers to contextually relevant uploaded data prior to sending responses to
    the LLM (Large Language Model). Pria first looks at that trusted content uploaded by
    faculty into their unique instance of Pria via the LMS. Pria then cites her response with
    28 trusted sources (Google Scholar, WolframAlpha, etc).
    The AI mentor is not roaming the open internet finding the questionable sources that,
    say, ChatGPT might. This solves a massive roadblock that has kept the fully realized
    power of AI away from many students. There are many other advantages to Praxis AI's
    Pria AI mentor including a faculty dashboard, FERPA compliance, etc.

    Here is a link to our site to learn more ( Furthermore, you can view a
    short overview video here:
    This project also allowed Praxis AI to introduce a new feature called, “Conversational
    Assessment”. With the help of sophisticated prompt engineering, Conversational
    Assessment allows Pria (the AI mentor) to have a natural language Socratic
    conversation with a student for the purpose of remediation and/or grading. This
    innovation allows Pria to assess the student's understanding of a subject or concept and
    go as far as assigning a grade on a 100-point scale. The grade can then be used as the
    teacher sees fit. Imagine a one-on-one “Digital Twin” of every teacher available to each
    To sum up, the RAG/Faculty Content/Conversational Assessment innovation enhances
    personalization for students and faculty, sharpens the relevant scope of learning material for teaching and learning, and cites specific material for each response giving
    students and faculty confidence in the interaction and a place to go if questions arise.
    There is no better application for AI than education. This innovation indeed brings the
    promise of AI and integrates it into the mission of education in a powerful and elegant

  2. Which will you submit for this nomination, an essay of up to 525 words describing the nominated achievement(s), OR a video of up to five (5) minutes in length describing the same? CHOOSE ONE:
    Written essay of up to 525 words
  3. If you are submitting a video of up to five (5) minutes in length, provide the URL of the nominated video here, OR attach it to your entry via the "Add Attachments, Videos, or Links to This Entry" link above, through which you may also upload a copy of your video:


  4. Optionally, list the appropriate creative and production credits for the nominated achievement(s) you are nominating, such as the following: Advertising Agency/City: Client: Art Director: Cinematographer: Creative Director: Designer: Director: Illustrator/City: Music Producer/City: Photographer/City: Printer/City: Producer: Production Company/City: Programmer: Writer: Web Development Firm/City:

    Technical Architect: Hugo Lebegue

    Engineering Lead: Donald Hodges

Praxis AI Faculty Content and Conversational Assessment makes the promise of AI in the classroom come true!
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