Company: Partner.Co Company Description: Partner.Co is a global community united by the passion of helping people achieve a lifestyle, body and business they love. As your wellness, business and lifestyle partner, you can get products that are 100% guaranteed, tested and proven to help you and others live well. Sell them through your plug-and-play business, while getting rewarded with money, luxury travel and training. Nomination Category: Event Categories Nomination Sub Category: Corporate & Community - Partner Engagement Event
Nomination Title: PXP'23 | The Partner.Co Experience
- Which will you submit for this nomination, an essay of up to 525 words describing the event - its genesis, goals, development, and results - OR a video of up to five (5) minutes in length describing the same? CHOOSE ONE:
Written essay of up to 525 words
- If you are submitting a video of up to five (5) minutes in length, provide the URL of the nominated video here, OR attach it to your entry via the "Add Attachments, Videos, or Links to This Entry" link above, through which you may also upload a copy of your video:
- If you are providing a written essay of up to 525 words about your nominated event, place it in this space. Make sure that you address the genesis, goals, development, and results of the event, and mention that date(s) on which the event was produced:
Total 325 words used.
PXP'23 | The Partner.Co Experience was conceived as a transformative initiative to solidify Partner.Co's brand identity and foster a sense of unity within the global Partner.Co community. Initiated to address the challenge of creating a memorable brand experience, PXP'23 aimed to overcome the common disconnect between brand messaging and partner engagement. The program sought to solve the problem of disjointed brand perception by immersing attendees in the ethos, mission, and values of Partner.Co. By creating an unforgettable experience, PXP'23 aimed to establish a profound connection between the brand and its partners.
The planning process for PXP'23 focused on clear goals to enhance brand cohesion, celebrate achievements and propel the growth of Partner.Co. The creative development included the introduction of the "You+2" promotion, the award-winning Mini Catalog, and PXP Show Specials to engage and excite attendees. The scheduling of the two-location experience in Orlando and Amsterdam ensured a global reach, bringing together renowned speakers and fostering a vibrant atmosphere. The development process also included initiatives like the Star Partner Gala Dinner, providing a platform to recognize and celebrate the hard work of partners. Additionally, the unveiling of future plans, such as product quality commitment, website redesign, and enhanced shopping experiences, added a forward-looking dimension to PXP'23.
PXP'23 featured two immersive events that resonated with attendees, solidifying the "Better Together" mantra within the Partner.Co community. The global speaker sessions created an electrifying atmosphere, contributing to a 45% growth in sales compared to the previous eight months. The "You+2" promotion successfully propelled new Brand Partners to success, while the introduction of the Mini Catalog and PXP Show Specials provided versatile marketing assets and generated excitement. The Star Partner Gala Dinner and on-stage acknowledgments celebrated partner achievements, enhancing morale and motivation. PXP'23 not only showcased the current success of Partner.Co but also provided a glimpse into the future, laying aw strong foundation for continued growth, collaboration, and brand resonance within the company.
- Optionally, list the appropriate creative and production credits for the nominated event, such as the following: Advertising Agency/City: Client: Art Director: Cinematographer: Creative Director: Designer: Director: Illustrator/City: Music Producer/City: Photographer/City: Printer/City: Producer: Production Company/City: Programmer: Writer: Web Development Firm/City:
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