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ABA11 Winner / How to Enter

Company: Oneupweb, Traverse City, MI
Company Description: Oneupweb has been an innovator in digital marketing for more than a 15 years, creating integrated online marketing plans that incorporate Search, Social and Design. Employing 45 of digital marketing's best and brightest, Oneupweb has received numerous top-of-industry awards and CEO/founder Lisa Wehr is recognized as an Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year.
Nomination Category: Video Awards Categories
Nomination Sub Category: P.R.: Non-profit Fund Raising

Nomination Title: Step & Close

    The date on which this nominated production was first distributed or otherwise made public:

        Premiered at the home of Michael Moore's Traverse City Film Festival- The State
Theatre- on December 4, 2010.

    Briefly describe this entry’s communications objectives and how it met those objectives (up to 100 words). Include here the URL for an online version of your production if applicable. IMPORTANT: begin the URL with http://, and enclose the URL in square brackets - for example, [http://www.yourwebsite.com/link.html]:

        After seeing a need to support the Traverse City West Senior High School
Marching Band Program, Oneupweb stepped up to the plate.  The band had no money
to travel with their championship bound football team, barely had money for
uniforms and could hardly maintain their goal of "no student will be denied
because of an inability to purchase an instrument."

        Oneupweb spent over 1500 hours creating "Step & Close."  The results have been
amazing: sold out screenings, thousands of dollars raised and a nationwide push
to spread the word that arts education is paramount in a student's career. 
Visit http://www.stepandclose.com

    List the appropriate creative and production credits for this entry: Advertising Agency/City: Client: Art Director: Cinematographer: Creative Director: Designer: Director: Illustrator/City: Music Producer/City: Photographer/City: Printer/City: Producer: Production Company/City: Programmer: Writer: Web Development Firm/City:

        Producer/Director Lisa Wehr.