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Company: NogginLabs, Inc.
Company Description: Founded in 1997, NogginLabs is a woman-owned small business based in Chicago, Illinois. NogginLabs’ skilled team of instructional designers, writers, programmers, and project managers has created over 1,000 hours of award-winning, custom, performance-based courses for Fortune 100 companies, academic institutions, and non-profit organizations.
Nomination Category: Interactive Multimedia Categories
Nomination Sub Category: Public Information

Nomination Title: Peer Empowerment Education Referral Station (PEERS)

  1. The date on which this nominated production was first distributed or otherwise made public:

    April 2008

  2. Briefly describe this entry’s communications objectives and how it met those objectives (up to 100 words). Provide here the URL of your nominated production:

    Developed for the AIDS Foundation of Chicago (AFC), in collaboration with Test
    Positive Aware Network, the Peer Empowerment Education Referral Station is a
    public resource for individuals newly diagnosed with HIV/AIDS to access quality
    information and to find reassurance during difficult times. It comprises an
    interactive HIV/AIDS wellness guide and a directory of local resources.
    Accessible from the AFC community website, it includes engaging activities while
    providing detailed information for all audiences. NogginLabs fully developed the
    first of five modules, largely pro-bono, and provided the tools and support for
    AFC to complete the remaining portions themselves.

  3. List the appropriate creative and production credits for this entry: Advertising Agency/City: Client: Art Director: Cinematographer: Creative Director: Designer: Director: Illustrator/City: Music Producer/City: Photographer/City: Printer/City: Producer: Production Company/City: Programmer: Writer: Web Development Firm/City:

    Project Manager: Chad Chmielowicz

    Project Team: Brian Knudson, Traci Knudson, Quinn Goodwillie, Alyssa Rickey,
    Hank Sprague

    Client Team: John Clark, Matt Sharp, Allison Solomon