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National Middle School Association


Company: National Middle School Association, Westerville, OH
Company Description: Since its inception in 1973, National Middle School Association (NMSA) has been a voice for those committed to the educational and developmental needs of young adolescents. NMSA is the only national education association dedicated exclusively to those in the middle level grades.
Nomination Category: Multi-Image, Film or Video Hybrid
Nomination Sub Category: Internal Use

Nomination Title: NMSA 33rd Conference & Exhibit Celebration Video

1. The date in 2006 on which this nominated production was first distributed or otherwise made public:

February 2006

2. Briefly describe this entry’s communications objectives and how it met those objectives (up to 100 words):

Since its inception in 1973, National Middle School Association (NMSA) has been
a voice for those committed to the educational and developmental needs of young
adolescents. NMSA is the only national education association dedicated
exclusively to those in the middle level grades.

With over 30,000 members representing principals, teachers, central office personnel, professors, college students, parents, community leaders, and educational consultants across the United States, Canada, and 46 other
countries, NMSA welcomes and provides support to anyone interested in the health and education of young adolescents. In addition, NMSA has a network of 58 affiliate organizations in the United States, Canada, Europe, and Australia that strengthens our outreach to the regional, state, provincial, and local levels. Through the release of our landmark position paper This We Believe NMSA has been a key resource to middle level educators looking to develop more effective schools. Our message is for schools to be academically excellent, developmentally responsive, and socially equitable for every young adolescent. In addition to This We Believe, NMSA provides professional development, journals, books, research, and other valuable information to assist educators on an ongoing basis. Our Annual Conference, attracting nearly 10,000 attendees, is one of the largest professional development events in education today. We publish the highly acclaimed Middle School Journal and Middle Ground magazine to support members throughout the year, in addition to publishing over 100 books on a wide variety of middle level education topics.

3. List the appropriate creative and production credits for this entry: Advertising Agency/City: Client: Art Director: Cinematographer: Creative Director: Designer: Director: Illustrator/City: Music Producer/City: Photographer/City: Printer/City: Producer: Production Company/City: Programmer: Writer: Web Development Firm/City:

Creative Director: Chris Risheill
Director: Chris Risheill
Photographer: Chris Keels Photography
Producer: Chris Risheill