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Mondial Assistance USA

ABA11 Winner / How to Enter

Company: Mondial Assistance USA, Richmond, VA
Company Description: Mondial Assistance is a global leader in specialty insurance and emergency assistance services and is part of the Allianz family of companies. Four percent of the world’s population are served by Mondial Assistance businesses around the globe. For more information please visit:
Nomination Category: Company / Organization Categories
Nomination Sub Category: Business Innovation of the Year

Nomination Title: Mondial Assistance USA's Agent Onboarding System

    Tell the story about what this nominee achieved since January 1 2010 (up to 500 words). Focus on specific accomplishments, and relate these accomplishments to past performance or industry norms. Be sure to mention obstacles overcome, innovations or discoveries made, and outcomes:

        Mondial Assistance USA, a global leader in specialty insurance and assistance services, launched its online Agency Onboarding system in December, 2010. In the travel industry, setting up new agency customers to sell insurance products is typically cumbersome and manual. Recognizing a need to streamline the process, the automated Agency Onboarding system reduced the time to onboard from fifteen business days to less than 24 hours. 

        The mission was simple: to design and implement a dynamic white glove
experience that was well-designed, efficient, and exceeded the expectations of
new clients. By simplifying the process and getting agencies set up faster, we
could significantly increase the percentage of agents selling our products.

        Implementation was a bit more complex. Phase One was internally focused on
reducing the number of involved departments from six to three. Additionally,
the handwritten paper trail was eliminated in favor of digitized forms and a
customer awareness email campaign was developed.

        In Phase Two, the project centered on creating an easy onboarding experience
for the customer. Casting aside the manual processes of the past, the Agency
Onboarding system allowed account numbers, W9 tax forms, and customized
brochures to be produced automatically...all within 24 hours.

        Old Process (Manual) versus New Process (Automated):
-Accounts processed: 10-15 business days    
-Accounts processed: 24 hours

        -Processing required from six departments   
-Processing reduced to three departments

        -Paperwork hand-delivered to departments    
-Forms completed and submitted online by Sales and/or Customers

        -Data manually retyped on cover sheet
-No cover sheet required

        -Paperwork accepted via fax or mail, and email submissions printed and not
stored electronically
-No paperwork required

        -All paperwork stored in 3 filing cabinets  
-All paperwork stored securely and electronically

        -Manual account number creation; multiple human touchpoints   
-Account number generation automated; no human input

        -Brochures must be manually ordered; no customization
-Customized brochures automatically created

        -Clients manually create user accounts
-User accounts automatically created

-Communication gaps due to manual document delivery and human involvement
-Communications automated and electronic; tailored to user's licensing

The goal of the project was three-fold:
1.Decrease Time to Sell—the sooner agents can sell, the more revenue they can
generate. In addition, evidence shows the sooner an agent becomes familiar with
a product, the more likely they are to continue selling that product.

2.Increase Customer Satisfaction—create a positive connection to Mondial
Assistance’s trusted Access America® brand, resulting in higher sales from
satisfied agents.

        3.Decrease Internal Management Costs—streamline the number of steps involved in
the onboarding process, resulting in the elimination of the paper trail and
leveraging technology to make better use of employees’ time.

        The results?
In less than three months, Mondial Assistance saw 24.7% growth in the number of
agencies onboarded over the same timeframe from the prior year; 200% growth in
the number of agencies selling at least one policy; and 240% growth in
generated revenue! With average industry growth of 6%, these numbers represent
not just unprecedented sales acceleration but, even more importantly, an
increase in overall agency satisfaction. 

    List hyperlinks to any online news stories, press releases, or other documents that support the claims made in the section above. IMPORTANT: Begin each link with http://, and enclose each link in square brackets; for example, []:

    Provide a brief (up to 100 words) biography about the nominee or the leader of the nominated company:

        Beth Godlin, Managing Director, was one of the founders of the company that is
now Mondial Assistance USA, a multi-million dollar organization. Beth is the
driving force behind sales, marketing and communications; under her direction,
the company’s Access America® travel insurance brand has become the leading
choice for US travelers.

        Responsible for developing and executing sales and marketing initiatives, she
is instrumental in creating traditional and online products, including the
company’s Agency Onboarding system. Beth serves on the boards of the United
States Travel Insurance Association (UStiA) and Jefferson Insurance Company.