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Company: Mint, Mountain View, CA
Entry Submitted By: Atomic PR
Company Description: Mint.com is the leading online personal finance service. Users register anonymously and Mint securely downloads transaction data from bank, credit card and investment accounts daily. Mint categorizes transactions, provides a unified view of all account activity, alerts users to low balances, , upcoming bills, and suspicious account activity and gives users suggestions for savings opportunities.
Nomination Category: Products & Product Management Categories
Nomination Sub Category: Best New Product or Service - Financial Services

Nomination Title: Mint.com, the Fresh, Easy and Intelligent Way to Manage Personal Finances

  1. Tell the story about this nominated product or service (up to 500 words). Describe its function, features, benefits, and sales to date. You may include hyperlinks to product photos and data sheets. IMPORTANT: Begin each link with http://, and enclose each link in square brackets; for example, [http://www.youraddress.com]:

    Mint http://www.mint.com, the fresh, easy and intelligent way for people to
    manage their money online, launched at TechCrunch 40 in September, 2007. Mint
    applies patent-pending technology and proprietary algorithms to compile
    financial data from user’s bank and credit accounts into a single, easy-to-use
    online service. Designed to be effortless, Mint.com takes less than five
    minutes to set up. Users register anonymously using only a valid email address.
    Mint then does the rest, securely downloading transaction data from more than
    5,000 bank, credit card and investment accounts on a daily basis. Users never
    need to import or synch their data. Mint categorizes transactions; provides a
    unified view of all account activity; alerts users to low balances, bank fees,
    upcoming bills, and even potentially suspicious account activity; and gives
    users personalized suggestions for significant savings opportunities. Mint
    provides transaction splitting, automatic detection and categorization of ATM
    fees, and budgeting and budget alerts to users.

    65 million people in the U.S. use online banking today and now over 225,000
    users use Mint.com to manage their personal finances. The Mint experience is
    more convenient than online baking and delivers more value than desktop
    software. It is the world’s first free, online, fully automatic way to manage
    all your checking, savings, and credit accounts in one place. Mint is currently
    managing over $10 billion in transactions and has identified more than $100
    million in potential savings for its users.

    In January, 2008, Mint held a “Holiday Spending Hangover Cure” contest to help
    ease the pain many feel as January credit card bills arrive from the holiday
    season. Contestants submitted stories about their “holiday debt-ache” via video
    or in writing, the public voted, and two winners were chosen to receive the
    amount of their credit card balances up to $5,000 each and free credit counseling.

    Mint recently announced a partnership with The Motley Fool, the world’s leading
    online investing advice company. The Motley Fool and Mint now share articles
    and other education content; link to the other’s site; and allow users to
    navigate easily to a co-branded Fool.Mint.com website.

    Since launch, Mint has been honored with the following awards:
    -The PC World 25 Most Innovative Products Award
    -TechCrunch 40’s Best in Show
    -Business Week 101 Best Free Sites on the Web
    -Lifehacker Top 10 Innovations for 2007
    -Finovate Best in Show for financial innovation
    -Crunchie Award finalist for the start up company Most Likely to Succeed
    -Motley Fool Award and finalist for Best Money Management Tool 2007
    -NetBanker nominee for Top Innovations in Online Banking and Finance in 2007
    -Webby nominee in both the Banking/Bill Paying and Financial Services categories
    -Webware 100 Award winner in Productivity

    Mint’s management team includes seasoned industry veterans drawn from the ranks
    of Charles Schwab & Co., eBay, Expedia, Intuit, PGP and other leaders in the
    finance, security and software spaces. Investors include top venture capital
    firms and prominent individuals associated with companies including Blue Nile,
    Google, Intuit, PassMark Security, PayPal, Yahoo! and others.

  2. List hyperlinks to any online news stories, press releases, product reviews, or other documents that support the claims made in the section above. IMPORTANT: Begin each link with http://, and enclose each link in square brackets; for example, [http://www.youraddress.com]:

    Press Releases: 
    -Launch: http://www.mint.com/press/downloads/release_20070917.pdf
    -First Round Funding: http://www.mint.com/press/downloads/release_20071016.pdf
    -New Features: http://www.mint.com/press/downloads/release_20071204.pdf
    -PC World 25 Most Innovative Products Award Announcement:
    -100,000 Users Announcement:
    -Holiday Spending Hangover Contest:
    -Second Round Funding: http://www.mint.com/press/downloads/release_20080129.pdf
    -The Motley Fool Partnership:

  3. Provide a brief (up to 100 words) biography about the leader(s) of the team that developed this nominated product or service:

    Aaron Patzer, CEO and Founder of Mint.com, designed Mint to meet his own needs
    and those of people like him who value the immediacy of the Web, simplicity and
    their free time. With 10 patents filed or pending, Aaron brings strong
    innovation skills to Mint. Prior to founding Mint, Aaron was an architect and
    technical lead for Nascentric. Before Nascentric, Aaron worked for IBM and
    founded two web development and online marketing companies: PWeb and
    International. Aaron holds an MSEE from Princeton University and a BS in
    computer science, computer engineering, and electrical engineering from Duke