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LACERA, Los Angeles County Employee Retirement Association., Pasadena, California, United States: 2023 LACERA, Los Angeles County Employee Retirement Association

Company: LACERA, Los Angeles County Employee Retirement Association. Pasadena, CA
Company Description: LACERA administers defined retirement plan benefits for the employees of Los Angeles County and outside districts. Since 1971, LACERA has also administered the Retiree Healthcare Benefits Program. LACERA is further responsible for managing the pension plan and Other Post-Employment Benefits trusts that fund these programs.
Nomination Category: Publication Categories
Nomination Sub Category: Other Publication - Government
2024 Stevie Winner Nomination Title: LACERA, Los Angeles County Employee Retirement Association
  1. The date on which this nominated publications was first distributed or otherwise made public:


  2. Briefly describe this entry’s communications objectives and how it met those objectives (up to 200 words):

    Total 201 words used.



    This milestone 85th anniversary year of LACERA’s founding holds special significance, helping to inspire our theme, “Designed to Last.” The theme and imagery illustrate that through changing times, trends, and technologies, LACERA has continuously evolved and risen to challenges-ensuring that our organization and fulfillment of our mission stand the test of time. The theme was also inspired by our strategic planning process, which provided LACERA a unique opportunity to delve deep into the core of our organization and reevaluate our mission, vision, and values as we focus on shaping a sustainable future. The strategic priorities now defining our commitment to our members and support the sound management of the retirement system, while our mission, vision, and values have been clarified to help us create a brighter future for our members.

    Key performance indicators indicate increased readership and engagement compared to previous years, reflecting the success of our approach. Stakeholders have expressed appreciation for the clarity of information, and the report has become a valuable resource for both internal and external audiences.

    This report stands as a testament to our commitment to transparency, innovation, and communication.

  3. Optionally you may list the creative and production credits for your nominated publication - the people who help to bring it to life: Advertising Agency/City: Client: Art Director: Cinematographer: Creative Director: Designer: Director: Illustrator/City: Music Producer/City: Photographer/City: Printer/City: Producer: Production Company/City: Programmer: Writer: Web Development Firm/City:


LACERA, Los Angeles County Employee Retirement Association
URL ACFR- 2023 Annual Comprehensive Financial Report