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ABA11 Winner / How to Enter

Company: IQMS, Paso Robles, CA
Company Description: Since 1989, IQMS has been developing manufacturing ERP software and providing leading real-time manufacturing, accounting, production monitoring, quality control, CRM and eBusiness solutions to the automotive, medical, packaging and other manufacturing markets. The innovative, single-database software offers complete functionality and scalable solutions designed to adeptly grow with the client.
Nomination Category: New Product Awards & Product Management Categories
Nomination Sub Category: New Product or Service of the Year - Manufacturing

Nomination Title: IQMS's EnterpriseIQ 7.8.1

    Tell the story about this nominated product or service (up to 500 words). Describe its function, features, benefits, and sales to date. You may include hyperlinks to product photos and data sheets. IMPORTANT: Begin each link with http://, and enclose each link in square brackets; for example, []:

        IQMS recently released the newest version of its manufacturing Enterprise
Resource Planning (ERP) software solution, EnterpriseIQ. EnterpriseIQ 7.8.1
features more than 900 new tools and reports across all aspects of the software
with a development focus on providing functionality and efficiency.
Understanding the need to stay lean and competitive, the latest EnterpriseIQ
release focuses on tools that keep manufacturers flexible, accurate and

        Development of EnterpriseIQ never stops at IQMS. Ninety percent of the updates
and changes developed for the latest release were contributed directly from
customers through IQMS’ online portal, Community Server. Direct collaboration
with the client allows IQMS to deliver useful changes more quickly, increase
functionality and take advantage of new and emerging industry technologies.
Upgrades require very low maintenance as no third party vendors are involved,
allowing manufacturers to quickly start using the system and realizing the
benefits of the improvements.

        The new tools and features enhance all aspects of the software including
quality management, statistical process control, shop floor synthesis, customer
relationship management, scheduling, human resources and much more. A small
sampling of the enhancements includes:

        Mobile applications: IQMS understands the need for mobile, real-time access in
a progressive manufacturing plant and recently introduced EnterpriseIQ
functionality for the Blackberry, Android and iPad smartphones and tablets,
with iPhone usability on the near horizon. The effortless application provides
handheld access to live, enterprise-wide information and provides data
collection, SPC charts and data analysis quickly. Mobile operations are the way
of the future and EnterpriseIQ is providing all the necessary pieces, including
warehouse management, process monitoring and quality control.

        Process Monitoring: EnterpriseIQ’s real-time process monitoring takes plant
management to a higher level with an embedded solution that provides improved
efficiency, visibility and productivity. By linking directly to plant floor
machines, manufacturers can immediately view all aspects of work center
performance such as total parts created, production time, downtime, rejects and
inventory reconciliation. Manufacturers can achieve maximum accuracy, shop
floor accountability and take control of their plant floor.

        Plant Layout: Manufacturers are constantly striving to be more efficient in
their facilities. With EnterpriseIQ’s plant layout feature, manufacturers can
view a graphical, birds-eye view snapshot of the entire plant, including
machine placement, activity and reconfiguration capabilities, controlling the
flow of the plant for maximum productivity. 

        VIN Generator: This automotive application is a shining example of how direct
collaboration and feedback from clients can result in useful, valuable
features. Rather than manually assigning a sequential number to an automotive
part (a tedious and timely process), IQMS clients can now produce DMV compliant
VIN sequences with ease that also meet the National Traffic Highway Safety
Administration’s standards.

        Sales Configuration Template: Order creation flexibility is an important part
of any forward looking manufacturing plant. With EnterpriseIQ’s sales
configuration template, clients can easily create multiple scenarios and
combinations of possible orders, provide quotes to their customers and then
convert the final order into a work order. The manual, rigid, static way of
creating orders is a thing of the past with EnterpriseIQ’s newest application

    List hyperlinks to any online news stories, press releases, product reviews, or other documents that support the claims made in the section above. IMPORTANT: Begin each link with http://, and enclose each link in square brackets; for example, []:

General Company Overview:
Success Stories:
Specific Product Overview:
2010 in Review:
Capterra User Reviews:
Process Monitoring:

    Provide a brief (up to 100 words) biography about the leader(s) of the team that developed this nominated product or service:

        Randy Flamm, president of IQMS, began his career in 1973 as a maintenance
engineer.  Lacking commercially available manufacturing software, Flamm
developed a program targeting the needs of the plastics industry. Flamm’s
extensive knowledge and eagerness to provide a complete software solution led
him to create IQMS in 1989. Understanding technology’s growth mode, Flamm
introduced windows-based EnterpriseIQ and has been pioneering software for
manufacturers in the automotive, medical, consumer products and plastics
industries ever since. EnterpriseIQ is utilized by over 25,000 users worldwide.
Flamm continues his hands-on approach by working directly with programmers and
managers to ensure the success of IQMS.