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Company: Imagistics International
Company Division/Group: Business Services
Company Description: Imagistics has installed more than 320,000 copier and facsimile products. Founded in 2001 by our CEO Marc Breslawsky, Imagistics has 3,500 employees throughout our locations in the U.S. and U.K., including our headquarters in Trumbull, CT. Our goal is to be the leading independent provider of enterprise office imaging and document solutions.
Nomination Category: Corporate Media Awards Categories
Nomination Sub Category: Best TV Campaign

Nomination Title: Imagistics International TV Ad Campaign

  1. List the date that this nominated campaign was first aired in the U.S.:

    June 2002.

  2. Briefly describe this nominated campaign's communications objectives and how it met those objectives (up to 100 words):

    Imagistics, a new office document equipment company, needed to establish both its name and brand and overall market awareness. Clearly overshadowed by its established competitors Xerox and Canon, and unable to match their substantial budgets, Imagistics and its ad agency ICR Network decided on an entertaining and humorous branding campaign approach to engage decision makers and influencers. Our intention was to create memorable commercials and deliver the key message - Imagistics delivers dependable office document equipment (the key purchasing criteria for large corporations). Currently awaiting our first media effectiveness research as to the branding campaign's effectiveness, indications show market acceptance of ad/company and increased awareness in both aided and unaided name and TV Spot recall.

  3. List the creative and production credits for this nomination. Follow this format, and list all applicable: Advertising Agency/City: Client: Art Director: Cinematographer: Creative Director: Designer: Director: Illustrator/City: Music Producer/City: Photographer/City: Printer/City: Producer: Production Company/City: Programmer: Web Development Firm/City: Writer:

    Agency/City: ICR Network, Inc., New Canaan, CT
    Client: Imagistics International
    Creative Directors: Ed Libonati, Mark Seriani
    Illustrator/City: JSM Music, New York, NY
    Producer: Tony Harding
    Production Company/City: Area St, Santa Monica, CA
    Writers: Mark Baster, Ed Libonati