imagistic Media Studios
Company: imagistic Media Studios
Company Description: Founded in 1997, imagistic ( is an Internet software and services firm. The company has developed numerous Web-based initiatives for such clients as California Pizza Kitchen, GE Capital, UCLA, Capitol Records, Southern Poverty Law Center and Estee-Lauder. imagistic is based in Venice, California and works with local and remote clients in all businesses and industries.
Nomination Category: Web Sites
Nomination Sub Category: E-commerce
Nomination Title: Sir Speedy
1. When was this web site first published?
December 15, 2005
2. Briefly describe this entry’s communications objectives and how it met those objectives. Include here the URL of the nominated web site. (up to 100 words): - imagistic was hired to redesign the Sir Speedy Web site with the objectives to create an enticing and exciting design, user interface and to offer franchise owners tools to manage accounts, content and individual site pages. The site not only extends and strengthens the brand online, it enables one of the largest printing companies in the word the ability to reach millions of customers and offer a suite of online services that allow customers to do their business fast, efficient and cost effective. The Sir Speedy Web site sets the standard for how online printing services should be offered to customers.
3. List the appropriate creative and production credits for this entry:
imagistic - Web development, Information Architecture, Project Management
Acronym Design – design