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Company: Fenestra, Inc.
Company Description: Fenestra, Inc., a division of Sandra Hartog & Associates - a talent management consulting firm based in New York City, is a provider of premier HR technology solutions, employing products and services to manage selection and development of employees. Fenestra specializes in technology-enhanced assessment centers that provide a relatively low-cost method to select and develop employees.
Nomination Category: Web Sites
Nomination Sub Category: Service Advertising

Nomination Title: Fenestra, Inc. - Premier HR Technology Solutions

   1. When was this web site first published?

January 2006

   2. Briefly describe this entry’s communications objectives and how it met those objectives. Include here the URL of the nominated web site. (up to 100 words):

Main Objective: To launch Sandra Hartog & Associates' new technology division, Fenestra, Inc.

Designer Matthew Tonken combined clean lines, modern colors and a consistent template when he was challenged to create a website that conveys both quality and innovatIon.

Displaying thoughtful and easy to navigate content, each user , whether they are a client, potential client or industry researcher, is met with information that serves their individual needs.

Instrumental in launchlng Fenestra Inc., the new site uses form and content to support Fenestra's goal of furthering thought leadership in talent managment by integrating best practices in assessment centers with cutting edge technology.

   3. List the appropriate creative and production credits for this entry:

Art Director: Matthew Tonken
Designer: Matthew Tonken
Web Developer: Matthew Tonken