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Company: Eye-Fi, Mountain View, CA
Entry Submitted By: Red Consultancy
Company Description: Eye-Fi is the maker of the world’s first wireless memory card for digital cameras. By engineering a way to put Wi- Fi onto a standard SD memory card, Eye- Fi allows users to bypass the use of connector cables, card readers, or computers to effortlessly upload and share photos on the internet. Well known for its user-friendliness, the Eye-Fi Card has won numerous industry awards.
Nomination Category: Products & Product Management Categories
Nomination Sub Category: Best New Product or Service - Other

Nomination Title: Eye-Fi: The World’s First Wireless Memory Card for Digital Cameras

  1. Tell the story about this nominated product or service (up to 500 words). Describe its function, features, benefits, and sales to date. You may include hyperlinks to product photos and data sheets. IMPORTANT: Begin each link with http://, and enclose each link in square brackets; for example, [http://www.youraddress.com]:

    Three hundred and fifty million photos are taken each day, but four out of five 
    are never shared or stored. Eye-Fi made it a mission to change this and in the
    fall of 2007 launched the world’s first wireless SD memory card.
    The Eye-Fi Card allows users to wirelessly upload photos directly from their
    digital camera to the Web or computer. With no need for cables, cradles or
    card readers, users can share memories more easily with the Eye-Fi Card.
    Within months of launch, users had uploaded more than 100 million photos from
    Eye-Fi Cards to one of Eye-Fi’s 25 online photo-sharing, printing, social
    networking and blogging sites.

    The Eye-Fi Card became the “it” product at the International Consumer
    Electronics Show in 2008 and was featured on numerous national news outlets.
    Sitting next to the Nintendo Wii on “The Today Show” holiday gift segment, the
    anchor touted Eye-Fi’s simplicity and ability to make sharing photos effortless.

    Eye-Fi Shakes up the Industry
    Eye-Fi has not only changed the way people store and share photos, it has also
    shaken up the photo industry. Just since launch, Eye-Fi has inked a major deal
    with Lexar, partnered with Nikon to introduce the first Eye-Fi-enhanced camera,
    and expanded into national brick-and-mortar retail outlets.

    Eye-Fi Achievements
    Eye- Fi has also received positive product reviews in a host of media outlets,
    including the “The Today Show,” The Wall Street Journal, Real Simple, Parents
    magazine and Playboy, among others.
    Here’s what the media are saying:
    - “I thought this thing was too good to be true and set out to find its
    flaws. But after using it with two digital cameras … three different computers
    … and five photo-sharing sites, I’m convinced that the Eye-Fi is a terrific
    little tool.” – The Wall Street Journal, Walt Mossberg
    - “If you despise cords and need to get pics uploaded to the Internet
    quickly, it’s one of the finest solutions we’ve ever seen.” – Wired, Danny Dumas
    - “The verdict: It works flawlessly… We strongly recommend the purchase…
    The entire product experience is built with Apple-like simplicity.” – Gizmodo,
    Mark Wilson
    - “Say goodbye to the hassle and do something with your pictures sooner
    rather than never.” – Parents

  2. List hyperlinks to any online news stories, press releases, product reviews, or other documents that support the claims made in the section above. IMPORTANT: Begin each link with http://, and enclose each link in square brackets; for example, [http://www.youraddress.com]:

    Press Releases: http://www.eye.fi/news/
    List of Awards: http://www.eye.fi/reviews-and-awards/
    List of Partners: http://www.eye.fi/share/
    Product Reviews & Media Quotes: http://www.eye.fi/reviews-and-awards/



  3. Provide a brief (up to 100 words) biography about the leader(s) of the team that developed this nominated product or service:

    Jef Holove, Eye-Fi's president and CEO, has more than 15 years of consumer 
    technology business management and marketing experience. Prior to joining Eye-
    Fi, Holove was VP and GM at Logitech, Inc. where he led the high-growth audio
    and interactive entertainment business units. In this role, he managed business
    strategy, marketing and engineering for multiple product portfolios. He also
    developed new categories and bolstered market positions for the company in the
    digital music, PC audio and gaming markets. Holove also served as director of
    marketing for the EMEA region, based in Switzerland, and directed retail and
    distribution channel marketing for the Americas region.