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Epicor Software

Company: Epicor Software, Irvine, CA
Company Description: Epicor is a global leader dedicated to providing integrated ERP, CRM, SCM and PSA software solutions to the midmarket and divisions of Global 1000 companies. Epicor serves over 20,000 customers in 140+ countries, with solutions in 30+ languages. Employing innovative service-oriented architecture and Web services technology, Epicor delivers end-to-end, industry-specific solutions.
Nomination Category: Management Categories
Nomination Sub Category: Best Chairman

Nomination Title: George Klaus, Executive Chairman of the Board

  1. Tell the story about what this nominee achieved since January 1 2007 (up to 500 words). Focus on specific accomplishments, and relate these accomplishments to past performance or industry norms. Be sure to mention obstacles overcome, innovations or discoveries made, and outcomes:

    George Klaus, executive chairman of Epicor Software, is one of the technology 
    industry’s true visionaries – taking Epicor from a $30 million financial
    software company, to the leading global enterprise applications and services
    company it is today, achieving over $429 million in revenue in 2007. Under
    his leadership, Epicor has become the 6th largest global enterprise resource
    planning provider, growing faster than any other vendor in the space.

    Klaus holds the belief that a positive corporate culture greatly improves
    employee experience as well as the overall success of the company. This
    positive culture then extends to the relationships that the company has with
    its customers, evident by the fact that Epicor enjoys a 95% customer retention
    rate – well above the industry average

    2007 was an excellent year for Epicor financially, due in no small part to the
    outstand efforts of its executive chairman, George Klaus. Working with the
    board of directors, Klaus was key in implementing several financial programs
    which will lead Epicor on to even greater financial successes.

    In the fourth quarter of 2007, Epicor announced the acquisition of NSB,
    leading global provider of software solutions and services for the specialty
    retail market. Klaus feels that NSB is an excellent next step in Epicor’s
    stated commitment to grow both organically and through highly strategic and
    accretive acquisitions to create a larger, stronger and more profitable

    Under Klaus’ leadership, Epicor has remained committed to providing end-to-
    end, industry-specific solutions for retail, manufacturing, distribution,
    enterprise service automation, hospitality and pharmaceutical that enable
    companies to immediately drive efficiency throughout business operations and
    build competitive advantage. A Microsoft Gold Partner, Epicor continues to be
    on the forefront in the development of Web services-based enterprise
    applications, embracing the Microsoft .NET Framework.

    With Klaus at the helm, Epicor has led the charge in delivering software
    solutions that provide tier-one functionality at a midmarket cost of
    ownership. In 2007, Epicor’s announced the Productivity Pyramid, which draws
    together people, processes and applications through the combination of three
    of Epicor’s powerful business tools: Epicor Portal, Service Connect and
    Information Worker.

    As Epicor continues to build its reputation as a leader in providing global
    enterprise business software solutions that help midmarket companies boost
    revenues, drive efficiency and increase customer satisfaction, Klaus will
    remain a premier technology leader.

  2. List hyperlinks to any online news stories, press releases, or other documents that support the claims made in the section above. IMPORTANT: Begin each link with http://, and enclose each link in square brackets; for example, []:

  3. Provide a brief (up to 100 words) biography about the nominee:

    George Klaus, executive chairman of the board for Epicor Software has been 
    with the Company since 1996. Drawing from his 30+ years of experience in the
    high technology industry, Klaus lead Epicor to become the 6th largest global
    enterprise resource planning provider, growing faster than any other vendor in
    the space according to industry analyst reports.

    Klaus, a veteran Marine, remains active in the community, serving on the UC
    Irvine - Information and Computer Science CEO Advisory Board. Klaus holds a
    Bachelor of Science degree in mathematics from CSU Northridge and did graduate
    work in math and business at UCLA.