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Company: EMCOR Group, Inc., Norwalk, CT
Company Description: EMCOR Group is a Fortune 500 company with over $4.7 billion in annual revenues and a leader in mechanical and electrical construction, energy infrastructure, and facilities services for a diverse range of businesses globally, working across virtually every sector of the economy.
Nomination Category: Organization Awards Categories
Nomination Sub Category: Best Marketing Organization

Nomination Title: Best Marketing Department-EMCOR Group, Inc.

   1. Tell the story about what this nominated organization/department achieved in the past year (up to 500 words). Focus on specific accomplishments, and relate these accomplishments to past performance or industry norms. Be sure to mention obstacles overcome, innovations or discoveries made, and outcomes:

1.  Building the overall brand-name recognition of EMCOR.
2.  Bring the 70 operating companies together under the EMCOR brand umbrella
3.  Synergize 70 operating companies, 3 divisions, and create a platform for the integration of newly acquired companies (acquisition has been the means by
which the Company has grown, and will continue to grow).
1.  Brand recognition was 3% in 2003; it is now +85%
2.  The Marketing Department is credited with over 50 major new
clients/contracts, representing +$50,000,000 in incremental business.
3.  The Department’s programs are credited (by the Company's Board, Chairman,
and President) with supporting the Company's stock price and value to investors.
4.  The Department’s programs are credited (as above) with being instrumental
in uniting the Company.
5.  The Department created/launched across the Company "Taking KidSafety To The Street", whereby the Company's 6,000 service vehicles become rolling billboards displaying photos of missing kids across the country.  To date, over 40 missing kids appearing on EMCOR's trucks have been recovered.  This program touches each of EMCOR's 70 operating companies.  Their vehicles visit thousands of jobs sites, uniting the Company and achieving what many companies pay millions of dollars to achieve.
5.  In addition to uniting the Company, the Marketing Department has also
synergized it---from knowledge transfer, to the 400+ case study library shared
by all, to the management of the shared contract data base (now standing at
+10,000 entries).
6.  The programs of the Marketing Department are credited with the retention
and recruitment of employees.
7.  The Marketing Department not only serves EMCOR Corporate, but it is now
supporting all 70 operating companies (including providing marketing
consulting, creation of all collaterals, creation and maintenance of all 70
websites, etc.).
8.  4 years ago the Marketing Department wasn't even included on the agenda at
the Annual Senior Management Conference; now the Department is not only
featured on the agenda, the it is responsible for all aspects of the staging
and conduct of this key Company annual meeting (including theme, inside and
outside presenters, content, graphics and videos, etc.)
9.  Further, the Marketing Department initiated one-on-one client research and
its reporting as a key feature of the Annual Meeting.
10.  The Marketing Department is "it's own agency"----the Company does not use
any outside advertising, marketing, promotion, special event, media buying or
direct mail agency(ies).  The benefit of this is that the entire budget of the
department is a "working" budget.  Everything, from TV spots, to the Annual
Report, to market research is done by the Marketing Department.
11.  Realizing that the services the 70 operating companies perform are not
inherently benefit oriented, the Marketing Department bundled the Company's
major services into 6 "Products" that were more clearly understood and valued
by clients/potential clients:  Green Solutions, Life Safety Solutions, Mobile
Service Solutions, Facilities Diagnostic Solutions, Business Continuity
Solutions, and Knowledge & Response Solutions.
12. Overall, the Marketing Department has been instrumental in changing the
face of EMCOR Group, Inc. from being unknown, to be a highly respected and well
known Fortune 500 and Fortune Most Admired Company.

   2. List hyperlinks to any online news stories, press releases, or other documents that support the claims made in the section above. IMPORTANT: Begin each link with http://, and enclose each link in square brackets; for example, []:

   3. Provide a brief (up to 100 words) biography about the leader(s) of the nominated organization/department:

          Mava Heffler, VP Marketing & Communications
Ms. Heffler is responsible for EMCOR's branding and advertising campaigns, as
well as external and internal communications. She has held various marketing
and brand building executive positions across blue-chip companies including
Procter & Gamble, Johnson & Johnson, MasterCard International, CNBC and
Thomson. During the course of her career she has developed major global
branding and imaging campaigns, created company-wide integrated marketing
strategies, established core competencies, and restaged business units.