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ABA11 Winner / How to Enter

Company: Eloqua, Vienna, VA
Company Description: Eloqua is the current leader in marketing automation and Revenue Performance Management solutions. Eloqua provides powerful business insight to inform marketing and sales decisions today that drive revenue growth tomorrow. Eloqua automates the science of marketing allowing marketers to acquire customers, drive revenue,develop strong brands, build creative campaigns, and deliver compelling content.
Nomination Category: Website Awards & Blog Categories
Nomination Sub Category: Computer Software

Nomination Title: Eloqua's It's All About Revenue blog

    When was this site or blog first published?

        In April 2010, Eloqua's It's All About Revenue blog was officially launched. The Company previously had a multitude of blogs managed by separate departments. Since there was no unifying voice, It's All About Revenue was launched as a single, revamped corporate blog to host and create varied, compelling, marketing content.

    Briefly describe this entry’s communications objectives and how it met those objectives (up to 100 words). Include here the URL of the nominated web site or blog. IMPORTANT: begin the URL with http://, and enclose the URL in square brackets - e.g., [http://www.ourwebsite.com]:

        The objective was to create a "must read" bog for the marketing/sales software
industry. By publishing diverse and provocative content, It’s All About Revenue,
an AdAge Power150 blog, is now considered an industry resource by clients,
competitors and journalists. Each blog post is designed to meet one of five
criteria: provide readers with relevant, informative and entertaining
information; diversify readership; showcase the Company’s creativity; connect
with readers on a personal level; offer immediate commentary on breaking news;
provoke. Results: subscribership up 240 percent, an average of 4,200 page views
per week, 122 percent increase in traffic since the launch

    List the appropriate creative and production credits for this entry:

        The success of It's All About Revenue can be contributed to the Eloqua staff
behind it. To take the Company blog to the next level, Eloqua hired a Director
of Content Marketing and a Corporate Reporter. The Corporate Journalist is
designating a blog “voice” & ensuring quality of writing on a variety of
marketing topics. Eloqua's 250 plus employees also contribute to the blog to
provide perspective on different areas of marketing and sales.