Company: Delphi, Troy, MI
Entered by: i33 communications
Company Description: Delphi is a world leader in mobile electronics and transportation components and systems technology. Multi-national Delphi conducts its business operations through various subsidiaries and has headquarters in Troy, Mich., USA, Paris, Tokyo and São Paulo, Brazil.
Nomination Category: Web Sites
Nomination Sub Category: Home Page
Nomination Title: Delphi Corporate Website Homepage
1. When was this web site first published?
March 30, 2007
2. Briefly describe this entry’s communications objectives and how it met those objectives. Include here the URL of the nominated web site. (up to 100 words):
Delphi is a leading global supplier of mobile electronics and transportation
systems. In 2007, Delphi refreshed its corporate website to achieve the
following goals:
1) Facilitate access to desired information for a very diverse audience
2) Showcase Delphi's broad range of products
3) Eliminate confusion of site visitors linking to other Delphi websites that
employ different site design and architecture (for example, the independent
aftermarket website)
4) Provide a fully-integrated e-commerce experience for Consumer Electronics
Interactive agency i33 communications helped Delphi achieved these goals by
re-architecting navigation, highlighting links to external, yet related,
websites, and integrating e-commerce functionality. The execution reinforces
Delphi's brand identity as a leader in electronics and other key vertical
industries. The result is a clean, modern design that ensures a consistent brand
experience for site visitors.
3. List the appropriate creative and production credits for this entry:
i33 communications