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ABA08 Winner


Company: CafePress, Foster City, CA
Company Description: is an online marketplace that offers sellers complete e-commerce services to independently create and sell a wide variety of products, and offers buyers unique merchandise across virtually every topic.
Nomination Category: Web Site Categories
Nomination Sub Category: E-commerce

Nomination Title: CafePress - the Voice of the People, 150 million products strong

    When was this web site first published?

        CafePress began in 1999.  The Election portal and Meter launched in January of 2007.

    Briefly describe this entry’s communications objectives and how it met those objectives. Include here the URL of the nominated web site. (up to 100 words):
        CafePress allows anyone to reward their self-expression by finding or making
        merchandise that speaks to their interests and passions.  With 6 million users
        and 150 million+ products (10 will get made while you read this), our
        Marketplace is an instantaneous and often colorful reflection of the public
        discourse.    From the Obama groundswell to Spitzer’s demise, today’s headlines
        are barely read before we see thousands of designs joining the debate.  Call it
        “T-shirt blogging” or just call it Web 2.0 – either way, the voice of the people
        is loud as ever, even when expressed via the unlikely canvas of a thong.

    List the appropriate creative and production credits for this entry:

        Nick Giovanello, Art Director
        Marc Cowlin, PR
        Fred Durham, CEO