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Bayshore Solutions

ABA11 Winner / How to Enter

Company: Bayshore Solutions, Tampa, FL
Company Description: Bayshore Solutions, offers award-winning capabilities for custom Web application,site development,hosting and a measurable interactive marketing strategy for your business. Founded in 1996 and delivering services throughout the USA and internationally with physical offices accessible to in Florida and Dallas Texas. Founded in 1996, led by company CEO and President Kevin Hourigan.
Nomination Category: Website Awards & Blog Categories
Nomination Sub Category: Energy

Nomination Title: ThermoEnergy Corporation

    When was this site or blog first published?


    Briefly describe this entry’s communications objectives and how it met those objectives (up to 100 words). Include here the URL of the nominated web site or blog. IMPORTANT: begin the URL with http://, and enclose the URL in square brackets - e.g., [http://www.ourwebsite.com]:

ThermoEnergy maintained separate websites for their Wastewater Recovery and
Carbon Capture Divisions. They needed to establish one place where clients of
both divisions could access information about either or both technologies. The
new Web presence needed to capture their brand and engage two separate

        Bayshore Solutions custom tailored the websites into one synergistic, cohesive
and consistent online presentation using:
Functional Web Design and Development 
Clear Navigation
WebModules Content Management System
Search Engine Optimization
Secure Web Hosting

        The website integration allows ThermoEnergy to more effectively reach and
synergize their target audiences with a consistent presentation for both
technology divisions.

    List the appropriate creative and production credits for this entry:

        Bayshore Solutions