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American Education Services


Company: American Education Services (AES), Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
Entered by: Alta Communications
Company Description: American Education Services is among the nation’s leading providers of student financial aid services. AES serves millions of students and thousands of schools through its loan guaranty, servicing, and financial aid systems. As a nonprofit with more than $94 billion in assets under management, AES channels its earnings into public service programs that help ease the financial burden of college.
Nomination Category: Web Sites
Nomination Sub Category: Direct Response

Nomination Title: Lighten Your Loan Sweepstakes

1. When was this web site first published?

American Education Services (AES), launched in 1999 as part of their public service campaign to promote debt management and financial literacy among college students and graduates. The $20,000 Lighten Your Loan, direct response campaign was launched October 1, 2006.

2. Briefly describe this entry’s communications objectives and how it met those objectives. Include here the URL of the nominated web site. (up to 100 words):

During fall 2006, AES launched the sweepstakes to drive traffic to and increase visitor sessions by 5%. The
sweepstakes offered AES borrowers the chance to win up to $20,000 to pay off
their AES guaranteed student loan(s). 

AES promoted the sweepstakes through an HTML email campaign, inserts in their billing statements, college posters and advertising on coffee cup sleeves distributed at coffee shops around targeted college and universities. 

The sweepstakes drew a record number of registrants and drove almost 400,000
visitors to during July – December, 2006. Because of the
sweepstakes, AES increased visitor session to by 348%.

3. List the appropriate creative and production credits for this entry:

Todd Mosko, Vice President of Loans Assets Management, American Education
Deena Engle, Assistant Vice President Outreach Marketing Programs, American
Education Services
Jason Brantly, Art Director, Alta Communications
Larry Werner, Senior Copywriter, Alta Communications
Heather Dougherty, Account Manager, Alta Communications