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ABA11 Winner / How to Enter

Company: adBrite, San Francisco, CA
Company Description: adBrite is the largest independent display and video ad exchange in the world, serving more than 1 billion impressions a day on over 100,000 sites. adBrite has created a completely independent, transparent and effective advertising exchange platform, focused on maximizing ROI with sophisticated, unmatched targeting and optimization technology.
Nomination Category: Company / Organization Categories
Nomination Sub Category: Most Innovative Company of the Year - Up to 100 Employees

Nomination Title: adBrite

    Tell the story about what this nominated company achieved since January 1 2010 (up to 500 words). Focus on specific accomplishments, and relate these accomplishments to past performance or industry norms. Be sure to mention obstacles overcome, innovations or discoveries made, and outcomes:

        Say goodbye to the ad exchange you once knew.  Over the past few months adBrite
has taken the industry by storm, bringing to light the importance of
transparency and providing engaging content through video offerings.  adBrite
is the largest independent display and video ad exchange in the world, serving
more than 1 billion impressions a day on over 100,000 sites. 

        Transparency is a word that gets thrown around quite often in the world of ad
exchanges.  It’s a barrier for entry, deciding factor in business and peace of
mind at the end of the day.  In this real-time exchange world, advertisers will
almost always require transparency (whether at the URL, pricing, placement or
performance level) to transact effectively, and publishers who cannot 100
percent prove that service stand to lose out significantly.  It’s just as
important that transparency be reflected on a content safety level as well. 
Many industry giants tout transparency, but hold back up to 25 percent of the
sites they’re actually posting to – often those of poor quality. 

        You wouldn’t book a hotel room or a flight without knowing the website was
transparent- would you?  Then why wouldn’t it be the same for publishers and
advertisers with exchanges?

        adBrite has proven its transparency to users tenfold.  Always revealing not
only the sites to which it posts content, but also the prices for which every
sale is made and bid that has won.  adBrite’s superior reporting and tracking
functionality puts control back into the hands of its users letting them
consistently keep track of every running campaign and presents forecasts for
those that will potentially run in the future.

        In October adBrite launched the availability of Video Pre-Roll ad units to its
robust line of product offerings.  The introduction is still the first of its
kind, making adBrite the only exchange out there offering both display and
video.  The targeting functionality within the offering allows advertisers and
publishers to exchange coveted video at precisely market value within a 100
percent transparent environment.  To best support the efforts of its users,
adBrite made sure to be compliant with the VAST 1.0 and VAST 2.0 templates,
which were recently set ( by the IAB.  Given the
adoption rates of these regulations, the engineers at adBrite recognized a real
need for video optimization and targeting within the exchange.  They have taken
the unique technology and algorithms that have made adBrite so successful in
display and modified them to revolutionize the video market. 

        eMarketer (
video-ads-deliver-year/) and other media sources are predicting substantial
growth and ROI for video advertising in 2011.  eMarketer said that video
advertising “will be the most dramatic growth story” of 2011, predicting that
almost $2 billion will be spent on video advertising next year, a growth rate
of 39% compared with 11% for banner ads.  adBrite has blazed the trail for
video in the exchange, with other well-known companies such as Google and
RealGravity talking video as well.

    List hyperlinks to any online news stories, press releases, or other documents that support the claims made in the section above. IMPORTANT: Begin each link with http://, and enclose each link in square brackets; for example, []:

        Company URL:

        Video Pre-Roll press release:

        News articles mentioning adBrite and Video Pre-Roll offering:

        Forbes Ad Impressions Blog, “AdBrite Ad Exchange Differentiates With
Transparency And B2B Positioning Says CEO Fanlo”

        ADOTAS, “Video Finds Home on AdBrite Exchange”   , “VMware, Mitel Collaboration Creates Virtualized VoIP

    Provide a brief (up to 100 words) biography about the leader of this nominated company:

        Iggy Fanlo joined adBrite as CEO in May 2006.  Prior to joining the Company,
Iggy served as president and chief revenue officer at, helping to
increase revenue to more than $200 million a year. was later
acquired by eBay for more than $650 million. 

        Prior to his technology career, Iggy spent 15 years on Wall Street with Morgan
Stanley and J.P. Morgan.  Iggy received a B.S. in Chemical Engineering from
Princeton University.