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Twitter, Inc.

How to EnterCompany: Twitter, Inc., San Francisco, CA
Company Description: Twitter connects businesses to millions of customers in real-time. Businesses use Twitter to quickly share information with people interested in their products and services, gather real-time market intelligence and feedback, and build relationships with customers, partners and influential people. Twitter offers businesses a chance to reach an engaged audience.
Nomination Category: Sales Awards Individual Categories
Nomination Sub Category: Senior Sales Executive of the Year

Nomination Title: Adam Bain, Chief Revenue Officer

Tell the story about what this nominee achieved since the beginning of July 2010 (up to 500 words). Focus on specific accomplishments, and relate these accomplishments to past performance or industry norms. Be sure to mention obstacles overcome, innovations or discoveries made, and outcomes:

This is an honorary nomination as chosen by the Stevie Awards.

Adam Bain is the Chief Revenue Officer vice president of revenue at Twitter. In
just 18 months, Bain has put Twitter squarely on the digital advertising landscape.


Bain builds an excellent team with talent from Google, Yelp and Facebook.
Launches Business.twitter.com/twitter101 website to assist advertisers with tools.

In April 2011. Bain announces ‘dashboard tools” giving advertisers real time data.

Launched Promoted Tweets and Promoted Trends:

• When Sephora tried Twitter’s Promoted Tweets, the response rate beat its
projections by 700%. Wall Street Journal, 29 July 2011

• A midsummer Twitter Campaign to promote the movie "Super 8” resulted in an
additional $15 to $18 million at the box office on its opening weekend.

•Twitter has said publicly that the average "engagement" on promoted tweets is
3% to 5%, but for the top paid tweets engagement is eye-popping for any kind of
digital ad. The top tweet of the year, from VW, had a 52% engagement rate,
meaning more of the 90 million people exposed to the ad interacted with it than
ignored it. from Twitter is numbetr 10 on the list, with a 25% engagement rate,
far greater than the norm. Advertising Age, 00018899, 5/9/2011

•Bain said the rate of consumer engagement with Twitter's advertising platform
of "promoted" tweets, trends and accounts is about 100 times higher than
standard online display ads, which have been around for 18 years. San Francisco
Chronicle, 12/2/2011

In September – Bain announces Twitter to offer Political ads for the 2012 elections.
In December, Bain announces self services ads to a handful of existing clients.
Bain also announces launch of Brand pages for advertisers.

As of 12/11, Twitter has 2,400 advertisers, up from 1,600 in the Spring, and up
from just six when Bain joined Twitter in 2010. Bain has also added over 100 to
the sales force.

Twitter's advertising revenue is forecast to triple to $150m this year up from
$45 million last year, according to a report by EMarketer, as brands use an
increasing number of promoted tweets. By 2013, some predict $1.5 billion.


On Promoted Tweets: "We want to make sure it's user-first for us and making sure
anything we do provides tremendous user value as well as value for marketers,"
Mr Bain told the FT. "We are building for the long term here." Financial Times
29 July 2011

"As we continue to grow our audience and expand our ad offerings, we expect to
see even more demand as brands look for cost-effective and measurable
solutions." Advertising Age, 10/10/2011

“Twitter's focus for this year and next year is to continue expanding the
business,…There are 7 billion people in the world, maybe 6 billion with a phone
connection. We're not going to stop until we touch every single one of them,"
Bain said. "This is going to be a massive business. It already is." Chicago
Tribune 01Dec2011

List hyperlinks to any online news stories, press releases, or other documents that support the claims made in the section above. IMPORTANT: Begin each link with http://, and enclose each link in square brackets; for example, [http://www.youraddress.com]:






Provide a brief (up to 100 words) biography about the nominee:

Adam Bain joined Twitter in August 2010. For 13 years prior, he was with News
Corp working in digital content. Prior to that he was a website developer and
manager for newspapers; the LA Times and The Cleveland Plain Dealer.