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SomethingNew, LLC - Award for Innovation in Sales

Gold Stevie Award Winner 2020, Click to Enter The 2021 Stevie Awards for Sales and Customer Service

Company: SomethingNew, LLC, Madison, CT
Company Description: SomethingNew is one of the most unique and fastest growing staffing and recruiting firms in the United States. Founded by Scott MacGregor, SomethingNew's goal is to fix the problems that clients and candidates experience using traditional recruiters with innovative processes and ideas. SomethingNew has 12 employees and growing working throughout the United States. Our name says it all!
Nomination Category: Sales Awards Achievement Categories
Nomination Sub Category: Award for Innovation in Sales - Other Service Industries

Nomination Title: SomethingNew LLC, Innovation is in our DNA!

Which will you submit for your nomination in this category, a video of up to five (5) minutes in length, explaining the nominated achievement since July 1, 2018, OR a written essay of up to 650 words describing the same? (Choose one): An essay/case study of up to 650 words

SomethingNew LLC, Innovation is in our DNA!

Talent acquisition is broken and we believe dysfunctional industries are saved and transformed through innovation. That is our mission at SomethingNew. Once again, our innovation in building a better talent acquisition mousetrap has resulted in double digit growth, in this case 58% revenue growth and 38% placement growth. Our success has taken us around the globe as we now work with over 40 companies based outside of the United States.

So what’s new at SomethingNew?

Innovation #1: Doing well (financially) by doing good (socially). SomethingNew aggressively expanded our social mission which we call SomethingGood™. In November we published “Standing O! Encore” an anthology written by SomethingNew’s CEO, Scott MacGregor and 53 “friends” of SomethingNew including prominent CEO’s, pro athletes, bestselling authors, artists and Olympians. This was the follow up to the wildly successful “Standing O!” which was published in June of 2018. All of the proceeds from the book go to charity, in this case The Look for the Good Project.

The star quality of the authors has highlighted our unique influencer network that we use to secure tough to reach candidates for our clients. Prior to the publication of “Standing O!” and now “Standing O! Encore” we spoke about the power of our influencer network but now we have 105 influential contributing authors published as a proof source of our influencer network with a social media following that exceeds 5 million. While other recruiting firms call strangers, we use our influencer network to introduce us to otherwise unreachable candidates. The result is thousands of additional dollars going to charity because of growing business by 58%. That’s doing well by doing good!

Innovation #2: Helping companies make data driven decisions without losing the human element that an algorithm can’t deliver. Nearly all companies involve multiple people in their interview process, but many times they evaluate candidates on different criteria or a "gut feel". SomethingNew solved this problem by developing a Candidate Review Scorecard Platform to eliminate the "gut feel" and ensure more data driven hiring decisions would be made. The CRSP takes the criteria for an ideal candidate from the SomethingNew Accurate Search, Accelerated Placement (ASAP)™ and assigns a weight to each one, recognizing that not all criteria hold the same value. With that, the client’s ideal candidate criteria are broken down into three buckets, "MUST HAVES", "IMPORTANT" and "NICE TO HAVES". This ensures that all candidates are evaluated consistently by everyone who interviews them and gives the interviewers the ability to compare scores and have intelligent business discussions. The Scorecard also incorporates criteria definitions, examples, proof sources and perhaps most importantly sample behavioral interviewing questions for each criteria measured. Clients who adopted Scorecarding saw an astonishing 100% 12-month stick rate with new hires.

Innovation #3: Creating a process that would eliminate putting square pegs into round holes or throwing candidates up against the wall in hopes that one sticks. SomethingNew created an innovative platform called Accurate Search Accelerated Placement (ASAP)™ to do for clients and candidates what eHarmony does for relationships. By going beyond just a job description and finding out what a client’s ideal candidate looks like the result is pinpoint accuracy. 96% of SomethingNew’s submitted candidates are asked into the interview process.

Innovation #4: SomethingNew Labs™ is a new Advisory Service offered to our clients to help them master the foundational elements of building a people strategy that will set them up for long term success. The services are centered on three key principles, Talent Acquisition, Onboarding & Retention. The clients we have worked with have seen an increase in applicants despite the tight job market, a faster ramp up for new employees and a drastic reduction in turnover.

SomethingNew is more than a name, it is a daily reminder to innovate with fresh ideas and to push the envelope.

Thank you for reviewing our nomination!