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SAP, Newtown Square, Pennsylvania, United States: Learning2GO, Cutting Edge Virtual Sales Enablement

Company: SAP, Newtown Square, PA
Company Description: As a global market leader in enterprise application software, SAP is at the center of today’s business and technology revolution. Our innovations enable more than 365,000 customers in 180 countries worldwide work together more efficiently and use business insight more effectively.
Nomination Category: Sales Awards Team Categories
Nomination Sub Category: Virtual Technology Sales Enablement and Pre-sales Team of the Year
2023 Stevie Winner Nomination Title: Learning2GO - Cutting Edge Virtual Sales Enablement
  1. Briefly describe the nominated team: its history and past performance (up to 200 words):

    Total 195 words used.

    As the market leader in enterprise application software, SAP helps companies run at their best. With the strategic shift from on-premise to Cloud software deployment, the days of the traditional sales discussion are gone. Customers now share in an innovative partnership with SAP, in which our sales executives provide new ideas for business improvements and help guide customers toward a digitally-enabled business as quickly and cost-effectively as possible, with major focus on applied value for the customer through SAP.

    Enablement in this fast-paced and dynamic environment must be easily accessible, customer-centric, scalable, and diverse to suit the many learning needs and lifestyles at SAP. Furthermore, skills requirements are changing based on new business models and IT concepts and any enablement and training need to be innovative and flexible to proactively embrace this evolution.

    The Sales Learning team quickly recognized the need to meet these challenges head-on and set out to overhaul learning at SAP.  Using the latest learning technologies, Learning2Go is a fully integrated, versatile enablement approach that has brought together SAP’s virtual and digital learning programs under a single umbrella, providing SAP Sales employees cutting-edge enablement—anywhere, any time and when they need it most.

  2. Which will you submit for your nomination in this category, a video of up to five (5) minutes, explaining the achievements since July 1, 2021 of the nominated team, OR written answers to the questions? (Choose one):
    Written answers to the questions
  3. Outline the team's achievements since July 1 2021 that you wish to bring to the judges' attention (up to 250 words):

    Total 233 words used.

    Learning2Go has been underlying a future trend enhancement in 2022 and now consists of a diverse offering that is organized into subprograms as follows.

    1. Virtual Live Classroom: Interactive, instructor-led, live trainings using Zoom. Action-oriented and immediately applicable.
    2. Customer Success Summit: 24-hour, virtual, live enablement event for all SAP. Participants collaborate, attend keynotes, network, and access enablement on the most pressing, strategic topics.
    3. Microlearning, Learning Packages & Learning Journeys: Used to compliment virtual and digital offerings, provide on-the-go learning and to address the forgetting curve. 
    4. Experiential Learning:  Participants with skill gaps have access to 1-hour sessions, which group learners with experts for informal discussion amongst peers and expert guidance. 
    5. Thrive in the Cloud program: Combines self-learning with checkpoints, virtual trainings, podcasts, simulation, and peer-learning to help drive cloud deals.
    6. Sales Skills Success programs: Designed to provide learning levels of content so the participant can develop knowledge on a skill gap, practice and get feedback from an expert before applying in a customer situation.
    7. Everyone’s a Teacher training program: This enables peers with expertise in sales topics to train their peers in virtual live workshops. 

    Learning2Go implemented different levels of training evaluation for their VLCs, according to Kirkpatrick’s methodology:

    1. Participation: 24,800+ participants in 2021 classes.
    2. Ratings/NPS: avg. rating of 4.56/5 and NPS of 78.
    3. Behavior Impact: immediate increase in desired behavior of up to 33%.
    4. Business impact: see ROI calculation under Part C.
  4. Reference any attachments of supporting materials throughout this nomination and how they provide evidence of the claims you have made in this nomination (up to 250 words):


  5. If you are submitting a video of up to five (5) minutes in length, provide the URL of the video here, OR attach it to your entry via the "Add Attachments, Videos, or Links to This Entry" link above, through which you may also upload a copy of your video. If you are submitting written answers to the questions for this category, provide them in the spaces below.


  6. Explain why the achievements you have highlighted are unique or significant. If possible compare the achievements to the performance of other players in your industry and/or to the team's past performance (up to 250 words):

    Total 245 words used.

    The below ROI calculation proves, that with training and upskilling employees Learning2Go measurably leads to more revenue. Our formula: ROI = Total Program Benefits - Total Program Costs / Total Program Costs  X 100%

    The program’s ROI was 7,900 using the following figures:

    • While the total number of employees participated is 35,000, our calculation is based on 2,100 participants only, because those are the ones with quota carrying sales roles.
    • Total costs: 
      1. The overall program costs including 3rd Party, contingent workforce and internal personnel costs for design, development and facilitation of the program summed up to $ 6.2 Mio, or, $ 177 per participant.
      2. Adding a rated loss in productivity/working time of $ 180 per participant, this results in an average calculated cost per participant of $ 357.

    TOTAL: $ 749,700

    • Total benefits:
      1. Comparing Quota Carriers that had consumed 2 learnings or more vs. those who completed only one or no learning and generated a 1-year average revenue per Quota Carrier

    Completed 2 or more learnings

    Completed less than 2 learnings






                   2. Participants generated an incremental 12-month revenue of $ 59.45 Mio.

                   3. Internal deliveries with SMEs = yearly savings of approximately $73,500.

                   4. Reduction of f travel costs--assuming 1 VLC replaces the equivalent of 0.25 days of F2F training, in which colleagues don’t need to travel--saved up to approximately $ 451,500.

    TOTAL Benefit to organization: $ 59.975 Mio

Learning2GO - Cutting Edge Virtual Sales Enablement
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