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How to EnterCompany: Groupcars
Company Description: Groupcars is the first consumer facing automotive purchasing program developed to maximize the advancements of mobile technology to provide a guaranteed price at the site of the desired vehicle to the consumer. The patent pending process scans the bar code on the window sticker and instantly delivers on the mobile device the negotiated guaranteed best price on the exact car they wish to purchase
Nomination Category: New Product & Service Awards Categories
Nomination Sub Category: Sales Automation Solution – New

Nomination Title: GroupCars automotive purchasing process

Tell the story about this nominated product or service (up to 500 words). Describe its function, features, benefits, and sales to date. You may include hyperlinks to product photos and data sheets. IMPORTANT: Begin each link with http://, and enclose each link in square brackets; for example, []:
Two of the top complaints with Consumer Reports in dealing with the automotive
purchase experience involve the purchase process and the time to complete a
transaction. The founders of GroupCars, automotive professionals, recognized
this universal problem in the industry and devised a solution.

The components of the program include a live call center to provide constant
assistance to the consumer during the process, a website for consumers without
access to a smart phone, a network of exclusive dealers, and a mobile
application that utilizes patent pending technology.

The process involves the consumer using a mobile application or web site to
research their vehicle of interest. The consumer is then directed to select a
participating dealership by make of vehicle and location. The call center then
sets the appointment for the consumer at the dealership and confirms the
appointment with the dealer. Upon arrival at the dealership, the consumer

The dealership has a program manager who is alerted to the consumer's arrival
and greets the consumer. The consumer continues to the car of interest and once
the desired vehicle is selected the consumer uses their mobile device to scan
the bar code on the window sticker. Through the GroupCars proprietary process,
the dealer's guaranteed best price is instantly displayed on the customer's
mobile device including a live display of rebates. The consumer presses the
accept button and the information is sent directly into the dealership for the
completion of the paperwork. If at anytime during the process the consumer
feels uncomfortable, the application has a button labeled "Expert Help" which
instantly connects the consumer with a live person at the call center who is
trained to assist the consumer with any questions or concerns with the process.
The availability of this "Expert Help" provides empowerment to the consumer
throughout the automotive purchase experience and removes the fear of
intimidation often felt at dealerships.

This is the first practice that actually takes the consumer to the dealership
location, furnishes information and pictures on a mobile device to assist the
consumer in the decision making process, and delivers the price to the consumer
instantly at the site of the selected vehicle. This process not only gives the
consumer the best price, but provides a solution to the top two consumer
complaints, the car buying process and the length of time involved in getting
the price.

GroupCars has developed an enhanced automotive program that saves the consumer
time and money, and the experience is revolutionizing the automotive industry.

List hyperlinks to any online news stories, press releases, product reviews, or other documents that support the claims made in the section above. IMPORTANT: Begin each link with http://, and enclose each link in square brackets; for example, []:

Chad collier recognized at Automotive Leadership Roundtable as thought leader.

Provide a brief (up to 100 words) biography about the leader(s) of the team that developed this nominated product or service:
At 26 Chad Collier,CEO of GroupCars, became the youngest non-successive Ford
dealer in history.Chad has owned several successful dealerships across the
US and founded GroupCars two years ago with the intention of drastically
changing the process of buying a vehicle. Sean Wolfington,partner, is an
entrepreneur who built 3 technology companies that were sold for a combined
enterprise value of $500,000,000 and produced 4 feature films by the age of 40.
David Boice, partner, is a successful entrepreneur who has owned numerous
companies in the automotive, technology,real estate,and marine industries.
Boice co-founded two of the largest technology companies in the automotive
industry with an enterprise value of $200 million.