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bigtincan, Waltham, MA

Gold Stevie Award Winner 2012, Click to Enter The 2014 American Business Awards

Company: bigtincan, Waltham, MA
Entry Submitted By: fama PR
Company Description: bigtincan transforms the way sales and services organizations interact and engage with customers when using their mobile devices. The company’s innovative mobile-first content enablement platform, bigtincan hub, puts content into context, securely delivering the right content to the right user based on role, time, location, association and/or event with all the automation and tools needed.
Nomination Category: New Product & Service Awards Categories
Nomination Sub Category: Collaboration Solution – New Version

Nomination Title: The Mobile Revolution – making every customer interaction count with bigtican hub 4.0

Tell the story about this nominated product or service (up to 650 words). Describe its function, features, benefits, and sales to date:


Recently named a “Cool Vendor” by research firm, Gartner Inc., bigtincan transforms the way that sales and service organizations interact and engage with customers when using mobile devices. As the global workforce transitions to relying and collaborating more regularly on mobile devices and tablets to work from, mobile tools must evolve to enable users to achieve maximum productivity and bigtincan is at the forefront of the mobile revolution. It’s time for the organizations to embrace business mobility – workforces are conducting business on their mobile devices now more than ever, with 42% of enterprise content being consumed and 31% being created on mobile devices.

The company’s flagship product, bigtincan hub, is a mobile-first content enablement platform that puts content in context, securely delivering the right content to the right user based on role, time, location, association and/or event with all the automation and tools needed in one integrated platform. With bigtincan, organizations can deliver an unprecedented customer-first experience for workforces that rely on their mobile devices to be productive and make every interaction count.

bigtincan introduced version 4.0 of the bigtincan hub in April, 2014. This new version includes more than 100 new features to make mobile workforces more productive, effective and collaborative. The easy-to-use hub provides a single application experience with all the productivity tools needed to work effectively with content. Users no longer need to search through files and folders within multiple content silos. Instead, relevant content, no matter where it resides, is integrated within the hub and pushed directly to a user’s mobile device. Content is curated based on relevance with users able to subscribe to, follow, collaborate on and suggest content based on expert networks or utilization by peers.

With the bigtincan hub, organizations have access to intelligent insight into user interactions, utilization and the value of content, enabling marketing to better understand what works and what doesn’t and sales to replicate expert behavior across an entire group. Intelligent content publishing enables marketing users to publish once and deliver content to many.

For sales in particular, content collaboration doesn’t only occur internally but externally as well. For that reason, the hub enables users to render rich content types with complete fidelity through its superior presentation experience.

With enhanced customization, usability, security and intelligence capabilities, the bigtincan hub version 4.0 addresses the concerns and needs of the mobile enterprise, both those of the mobile worker and of the IT department, revolutionzing the type of business that can be conducted on a mobile device.

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